Monday 21 April 2014


A macaron tower made with my student, it was her first experience making macarons!

Hiya peeps! It has been more than two months since I last wrote here. I have been terribly busy....well all the home bakers have been busy! However, I must make some jottings here as 1.4.2014 came, and left us, that marked a one year anniversary since I threw my resignation letter. Time passed by without you even realising it, especially more so when you are doing what you love!

I should have done this sooner, actually! There has been ups and downs (when I lost my baking mojos, you wouldn't believe it), but I wouldn't go back to a full time job! In my current world now, there is so much love and hard working and very caring people!

I love baking and trying new recipes, but I also love meeting new people during my classes, and they are my students. I love it even more when they say that their sales that week increased when they introduced new cakes the recipes they learnt in my classes. I have somewhat left an impact on another person's life......

Looking back, I realised that I have worked even harder, working means heating the oven for some early bakes as early as 3 am or frosting and finishing cakes during those wee hours. When in full time job, I had my coffee while going through my emails at 9! Now, by 9 am my cakes would be ready for collection....

When I left things were very uncertain, I used up all my resources...after 4 months working on my own I replenished those resources, alhamdulillah....I am not afraid anymore... When I left I wanted freedom of time, now I wanted to give more....during classes I share tips and techniques, now I want to give away more funds for the needy, inshaallah....when you have more time, ie more time to think and ponder, you realise that happiness is when you make other people's lives better....I don't think so much about my material beings anymore....

Okay, until the next post, which I do not know when....but I have to go now, tonight is one of those rare nights that I didn't bake (well, I busted a tray of mini Chocolate Pavlovas...I call them my boyfriends as they are very temperamental with me !) I need to catch up with some sleep. The pavlovas I will make them tomorrow...good night , take care peeps!

p/s   Wait up for TKG (thekitchenguardian)'s press interview, due to be published soon, wink