Tuesday 9 February 2010

Cakes of yesterweeks...

The last two weeks after I did a short stint in Alor Star with my lovely friends, I had been very busy, in the office and at home. Alhamdullillah things are moving smoothly, especially with the kids and their school, all are almost back to the usual routine. A marked change is seen in Yusof after he decided to enrol himself in the Tahfiz Program in school, alhamdulillah...but he is still very cheeky and talkative in class, according to his ustaz. At home he is more diligent and annoys his siblings less!

And, alhamdullillah the orders have come rolling the past two weeks, and I made sure most are concentrated towards the weekend. So, that leaves me with time to see to the children's homework at night. So, here are the orders that I have made.... Homemade roses and fillers using the techniques learnt from http://inawhiz.blogspot.com/ and http://www.cakejournal.com/. I used Sugarflair's dusky pink and Wilton's rose pink, two of my favourite pink shades!
Roses to the hearts for Harizul and Haris, thank you Aya for the order!
Memanjakan my friend Aini who is now a lady of leisure after she left employment with this vanilla cake sandwiched and topped with vanilla plus cream cheese and fresh strawberries and blueberries...hmmm am thinking of summer in London. Thanks Aini for this order.
And this, what can I say, naik semua muscle I kneading the fondant, the blue and green racing cars were made based on tutorial by http://www.cakejournal.com/, the McQueen was real toy!Happy birthday Haiqal and thank you Lorina!
A special request from a special lady very very huggable...he he Kak Ezza, sedap yer katanya kek ni, alhamdulillah! Thank you Kak Ezza, inshaallah lepas Qong Xi Qong Xi kita kongsi this carrot cake ye!
I made a couple of hundreds of this for khenduri tahlil my biras Kak Zaine, thank you Kak Zaine!
"Mummy, macam dalam computer mummy", happily he said when he saw this cake...Nizar and his Ultraman cake. Moist chocolate cake with chocolate fudge and ganache, a treat by mummy Mrs N...thank you BJ!
I too love this image!
Happy Birthday Alya Yasmeen! Mini moist chocolate cake with ganache ordered by my colleague in the number one telco company, thank you Azura!
These and...
these are for the kindi!
And alhamdulillah, for a life that I think is so sempurna, I am so blessed....


  1. Yani,thank you for posting Nizzar's photo and his Ultraman cake here. He loves it so much!

    The cake ~ he ate the most of it. Morning, afternoon and evening, sampai habis. And you know why? Because he wanted to eat the heads of the Ultraman.

    My family loved it too. Not too rich and not too sweet. Homemade cakes are always nicer than the ones bought from the shop.

    Just last week, I bought a dozen cupcakes from Cupcakechics becoz it was my maid's birthday, last minute tak sempat nak order from you. Manis nak mampus! We were struggling to finish even one. I wish I had ordered from you instead.

    Thanks again, and see you around!

  2. wow!

    makin hari makin meriah warna warna cake you ni...so sweet looking...

    Yes, akak kena order kek carrot you lagi..banyak sangat permintaan dari kaum kerabat di sini..hehehe

    teringat Alin cerita kat I hari tu...aunty Yani ni cakap kemain laju lah mak...dia ni tak penat ke buat macam macam ni...hahahaha

  3. Yanie, I am so proud of your progress. Serious, I am beaming with pride. At the rate you are going mesti cepat berenti kerja. Love all the cakes.

  4. bravo yani!! i pun tumpang happy with all your baking... love the sandwich cake!!

  5. BJ,

    it's such a joy to see nizar's beeming face;)


    all berkat tunjuk ajar you! tqvm!

    kak ezza,

    kita bagi kaum kerabat yg chinese tu raya dulu k!


    tqs, you bila lagi!


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