Thursday, 25 February 2010

Yang Tersirat dan Tersurat.......

Muhammad in APSH
When it rains, it really pours...Muhammad was admitted in APSH again on Tuesday due to bronchitis. I was just recovering from a long bout of cough and cold and am still grappling with the current situation...but that's life. So, I have to put on hold my routines when it comes to this blog and slowly move myself towards normalcy again..

Apart from my sil, a lot had taken place lately, but all shall be kept to myself. I am bracing myself for yet another change, it is really daunting but I have to take that big leap and DO IT! This feeling is similar to that when I finished reading Who Moved My Cheese and when I jumped from banking to legal.....

I will update stories on cakes and recipes next week, I still haven't found the time to upload photos from my dslr....whatever it is I am really grateful for the support that I have been receiving from friends from this blogsphere, you all are amazing, thank you!

Hajar, as cheeky as ever in one of her favourite t-shirt that belongs to Muhammad!
That bird is me, looking at the winding road.....
Last but not least for now, all I can say what is written here "tersurat" is far from what is in me "tersirat"....take care folks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have been out of the loop but judging from your jottings and the pixs, I think i can guess what's been happening. You take care, dear.. Insyaallah everything will be alright soon enough. and when normalcy returns,we shall go keriauking, ok? we shall invite the other dik/kak/auntie/makcik bloggers yg lain AND their respective spouses..

  3. Hey bird, just don't jump, ok?

  4. take care sis... my doa is with you...

    insyaAllah dimudahkan urusan.


  5. KG,

    No worries...what will be will be. Kita berusaha, InshaAllah akan dipermudahkan oleh Nya.

    You take care and make sure to get as much rest as you can.

  6. Heyyyyyy girlfriend.

    what's bothering you?????'

    cannot lar have my normally upbeat and cheerful yani sedey like this....

  7. i will doa for you. take care.


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