Friday, 16 March 2012


....what I made last night!The second of this ruffle flower cakes I made! First made this last Friday in hues of pink and mauve! Tq  Sazlinda for this order!

I have been darn busy, I couldn't even downloand pictures or compose a short post...just be patient...

I am working on this, work and some other new me crazy, but think that's the power of subconscious mind or what I call "doa"....I wanted to do new things and venture into uncharted territories, they are here...wait...I'll tell you more later :p

Tra , xoxo for now!
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  1. Very nice!!!! Ur touches sweetened everything KG..

  2. Nk tnya kalau nak order kek utk 5 Mei nnt boleh ke?nak buat gift utk vvip table -ilyana 0192314161-


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