Monday 1 December 2008

A very "normal" weekend that I so much long for...

After all the festivities and makans, the syawal open houses, the khenduri for those leaving for haj and weddings, i had my peaceful and serene weekend last weekend. On Saturday, i dragged dh (we had a late night with the kids at california pizza) to my usual pasar tani trip to refill my freezer with fresh fishes, sayur kampung, bawangs, cili kering (very particular about this as I have been buying from this kakak evere since khadijah was one!), mangos. My, the jenahak was so fresh and so does the prawns and moi sudah beli lagi...probably make beryani udang this week and assam pedas ikan parang, the kids and dh will love it... after pasar tani , we headed to my usual lepak gerai on saturdays...kak jee's, had her bubur lambuk, hmm brilliant and the small mug special nescafe for yani , a bit thick but easy on the sugar, made by her husband..then balik rumah, lepak...took a nap and went to dh's niece's wedding in Ampang, one thing interesting was jeruk limau wt cili api and sugar, apparently from Min's mom in law who loves in Malacca...must ask Min how to make it the next time I see her, apparently it is cooked in periuk tembaga for 5 hours to get rid of the bitterness...

Sunday was another lepak day, after the ustaz left for the kids mengaji, I decided to make nasi goreng kampung for breakfast, and instead of using anchovies, used the left over of fried ikan kembung (mackerel), pound it with red chillies, a bit of cili padi kampung, onions and garlic, and a bit of salt. Fry with some oil, until fragrant, throw an egg or two and put the rice...wulla, berebut my children and the father habiskan the rice.

For lunch, I decided to heat up the left over of kari ikan bawal, ikan cencaru goreng with fresh turmeric (just like how my tok yam makes them), labu goreng dengan halba and jintan, omelete and air asam t0mato. The boys and dh loved the air asam tomato....pound to bruise some tomatoes (cherry tomatoes are better), shallots, a bit of belacan, red chillies and cili padi, tgether wt salt and sugar to taste, last add air assam jawa (tamarind juice) or a zing of lemon or lime...really membuka selera!! After that I tidoq while watching a slot in NONA covering the wedding of Ashraf Sinclair and Buncis (Bunga Cinta Lestari), don't really care hoods about artists, sebab tulah iI sudah tertidoq...and woken up by the usual friendly another makan visit by BAd, Liza and the two girls...since I didn't prepare antyhing for tea, decided to get some kueh mueh from this gerai that i have been going since we settled dwn in the area....we had goreng pisang, apam manis inti kelapa, putu buloh, cucuq udang, apam balik and laksa utara.....and dinner, told eeryone no food, coz we had so much already for the day!!

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