Sunday 7 July 2013

Bakers' Day Off!

Salam and hi! I am slowly getting into the grooves of working on my own now. Haven't got a routine yet as I still run like a headless chicken especially from Thursdays to Sundays! The days seem shorter and I found that I have more things to do! But, I love the idea that I don't have to brace the traffic anymore in the mornings.

...I also realise that I have to shower immediately when I got up in the morning....thus far I have been getting up at 4 am the earliest...otherwise, you 'll see me still in my pj bottom at noon! I still haven't gotten the hang with my orders...with messages not read, I'm sorry ladies, I hope to improve in this section, huhu.

I have not started doing any cookies, even though Ramadhan is just around the corner....I will take this easy so any cookies for sale will be based on what I bake. However, I will be taking orders for macarons and cakes for Eid!

I attend mengaji classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Ustaz Habib in Masjid Taman TAR on Hadis and Kisah Nabi (pbuh) and Tafsir with Ustazah Fatma Azzahra in Surau Bukit Mulia on Thursdays....I will do anything to attend this classes, they are priceless...I felt as if I was reborn! Inside I am more serene....liberated....I can't describe the feeling....and after all this years i just couldn't wait for Ramadhan to arrive! Ustazah said Ramadhan is Madrasah...a school where you reclaim yourself, to do ibadah and forget the worldly just during this holy month....fasting is meant for you to feel the pain, to have less....

...when I thought back, I came a long way to go to this classes, went through quite a bit (don't want to tell you), but I feel really blessed to be able to do this now! be honest, I only have one large order in Ramadhan, and I haven't a clue of how to survive this month...but I believe that things will fall in place, inshaallah!

...inshaallah I will move in into a new space sometime in the end of August, the house will be ready by then. I will have more classes from basic buttercream, fondant and hantaran cakes! ...can't wait! My wish is also to be able to fulfill more orders!

...and Monday is officially my off day, I have declared that! Last week I went to KLCC park...tomorrow i will follow Khadijah to register back in college and then we'll probably go to Bangsar... have a nice meal and I want to go to Dian Pelangi hehe....

...enjoy this song, my current favourite...most times this song will play in the background when I cranck my oven in the wee hours of the morning...

Have a productive healthy and blessed Ramadhan week ahead!

xoxo Yani thekitchenguardian


ummisara said...

kak Yani,

I am so happy for u :)

I am still wide awake doing tender prep

Unknown said...

So happy for you Kak Yani. This Ramadhan I am not taking in any gift basket orders. Anak nak UPSR..and I for once would like to experience a normal Ramadhan dgn rumah tak berkecah...something I missed since 2004! If it makes you feel better, I still don't have a fixed schedule until now. And I agree to the shower in the morning part hahaha

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