...the scar from that incidents are still there...I have only managed to accept the whole thing, they have sunk in, but I have now to deal with them...that incident left me with almost meal-less days from Tuesday till Friday last week...I met Yusof's teachers twice, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons...
I almost didn't want to attend this class, that I had queued from March, only to get a call from Nathalie's PR on late Tuesday evening...there was a cancellation, and there was a space for me to attend this class...learning to make macarons, the true French way....
I took the Thursday morning off...driving in circles and merry-go-round to find Dutamas Solaris (am not familiar with that part of the world at all!) with my heavy and cluttered head...got there at 9.30, everyone was waiting for me to begin! I was given a cup of freshly brewed coffee with warm milk, before the teacher, a petit sweet lady started teaching us in her French accent...oh so sexy....with my BB's battery went dead...I immersed into learning the techniques of making macarons that I have only so far learnt from the virtual world.....
The maroon colour is very distinct to Nathalie's! The texture and consistency of the batter...so sexy....we also learnt to make Raspberry Ganache...awesome!
Seems like purple are her colours...I like them all!
It's amazing how the batter that she made resulted in all the shells not to stick at all on the baking paper...the Chocolate Macarons were made with Valrhona Cocoa Powder and Buttons...they are so, so good! Of course I couldn't put my hands away from the Raspberry and Salted Caramel Macarons, too!
...and here's my version of her Chocolate Macarons (unfilled shells I made this afternoon), I used Valrhona cocoa powder and buttons, too...but the brown colour powder was way understated compared to hers that came all the way from Paris!
I also made some in pink....Valrhona Choc in Valrhona Choc Ganache, Salted Caramel and Lemon Curd infused Italian Meringue Buttercream...thank you Zasya!
The class ended at about 1.15, it did take my mind off from my worries..but, when I turned on my phone, I discovered another bummer by Yusof......but, think I got back slightly my baking mojo, life has to go on....
lawanya the macs!!! they look perfect~!
very, very nice, Yani!! save some for me kalau ada lagi! :)
can teach me this version, pls!!
Pwetty macs! i went and had coffee and mac there.. the raspberry is nice.. coffee so so only.. salted caramel also so so.. passionfruits is nice!
Wah cantiknya..
Remember that I wrote once saying that I tried learning making it through the internet, I have suceeded last Sunday. Not so perfect but it has feet, round top and crunchy outside with chewy inside.
I think one month of "merajuk" from making it .. so that I forgot everything that I did wrong and start afresh.
kak yani.... canteknye... dpt gak pegi ye... sy dh byk kali nk bljr ngn die, asyik penoh memanjang...
sizuka, nnti bila ada lebih i beri you the shells!mcm biasa!
tina, yours nicer!
kak zai...anytime!
rima, you biased! of course yg kita buat lagi sedap..haha i syok sendiri!
sya...buat lagi!
dzah...nathali nye mmg cantik!
Bila nak ajar kita pulak?
you finally went! :)
Can share why macaroon take out from fridge sticky ?
Can I store macaron with silica gel ah ?
Thank you
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