I was driving calmly but hurriedly, when the car infront pulled an emergency brake....the box with the cakes almost flew front the seat! I managed to grab the box, decided to place the cuppies on the passenger seat next to me...two cakes were smeared, the images were pulled.... and the Devils Food Chocolate Cake that I placed behind slipped to the foot-rest behind....errr...I almost had a heart attack!
I reached the destination, got Puteri's bibik to help me clean the box and did emergency touch-ups....okaylah, but am still thinking about the cakes...haih....think I have to think of better ways to transport these delicate gems.....sigh.....
I managed to speak to Puteri and am waiting for her to see the cakes, she is still at work....anyway, thank you Puteri for this order, am anxiously waiting for your call dub dab dub dab......the heart beats....I hope I have not disappointed the birthday boy :(
Hi Yani.
My heart pun dropped upon knowing this. Maybe the cupcakes taste better because of the swoosh, minus the smear.
KG, best place for your cakes next time is on the floor front passenger side....lapik newspapers then letak la your cakes...paling danger is the front seat....back seat pun tak leh percaya....so kalau kete u tak der passenger, best letak on the floor, depan and belakang....
Kak Yani,
The cuppies still look good. My son is ecstatic upon seeing the cakes. What worries me is how he's going to carry them to school tomorrow.
Will report again tomorrow.
Thank you so so much Kak Yani.
Stressful tau deliver cakes ni. I have had many many many accidents, and everytime I tell myself, will not deliver again. Lepas tu the next day, I continue delivering again.
yatt tm,
yalah, nxt time nak kena swoosh the cakes before i hantar ha ha!
kak zai,
satu satu experience i kutip, tqs for the advice!
am so glad the bday boy is happy...but will have tio make up to the incident...how ah!?
yalah stressful lah hantar cakes...but happy stress he he!
Kak Yani,
The cuppies were a hit. He had so many friends gathered around the box admiring the cakes and later the commented how tasty the cuppies were,
he even said "Ibu, I was suddenly so popular today". Thanks.
Hi Yani..Apa kabar, kak Izan selalu berdebar2 bila deliver cake ni terutama yg guna buttercream. I pun buat macam Zaitgha letak suratkabar atas lantai kereta dan kotak cake letak dlm container kuning tu.
Tqs! Makes my day, so happy for your son!
Kak Izan,
Tq tq, each cake brings new experiences, am so glad!
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