Tuesday 5 February 2013

It's February , I know!

It has been a month since I blogged! Time really flies, I have been baking more than ever and loving every moment with my elves...err the Berjaya mixer, the Kmix and the Kitchenaid! I have been busy than ever as well at work...but goals, goals, goals....I have to do what I have planned to do, we'll see....

Enjoy this pictures of some of the bakes I have been making, I missed my D90, too. But with baking till early morning, I just haven't the time to tweak and play around with apertures and Fstops, with smartphones photography life is much easier and simpler, hihi.

Enjoy this video, it really reminds me of the people who survived whatever crisis that they went through.....

Have a productive, happy and healthy week, traaaa...see more of me (or rather my bakes) at instagram @thekitchenguardian, see ya!

....love this picture of me and my sister :p

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