Wednesday 23 October 2013

Banana Chocolate Pavlova .... when the rubber hits the road!

Assalamualaikum and good morning peeps! I am updating my blog because the house is quiet, I have to send Muhammad to the baby sitter but I have a few bakes to finish before 12! But then, I must share with you this....the chocolate pavlova and how I feel now....

It might seem scary , but I realise that now I am going through what I have been reading or what my Dato Shaz goes through every day....the business I mean....yeah I read Peter Drucker, I read Anthony Robbins, I read Todd Duncan....I heard Dato Shaz spoke about branding, positioning, marketing, customer churn all that jazz....but it's when the rubber hits the road, the reality comes to surface, all your energy, creative juices name what....will emerge!

Hey, I couldn't even write properly let alone write using buttercream, but this my friend is one of the things that you overcome when the rubber hits the road....and there should never be a time when you say no to your customers....well, in the next 3 months we are sorry that we would not be able to entertain all requests, as we were booked till December, alhamdulillah...anyway....

What I mean is when you have your own business, no matter how small it is, all the above facts keep playing in your can't offer the same cakes, the same design, the same packaging day in day out...even MacDonalds have their specials at times! So...this are the things....and networking is so darn important. I don't see a point of of trying to over do the other, but let's stick to our own expertise and network makes the business work...

More of this networking will be happening when I operate from my humble studio, soon....can't wait as there will be classes right for the beginners and perhaps baking parties for kids or moms! I have so much in store but first I need an assistant, hehe....any offers?

Okay, enough of my blabbering..let me share with you this is mouthful to pronounce all, you better save your breath  to savour this super delicious dessert, which I feel is akin to banoffee pie and this masterpiece I feel suits the standards of those known is super sedap!

Ingredients adapted from Suzareen's recipe....Reen currently resides in Perth Australia


4 egg whites
200g brown sugar, Reen uses white sugar
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp cocoa powder, I used Cocoa Barry, ran out of my Valrhona
1/2 tsp instant coffee granules, I added, I used Nescafe TAster's Choice French Roast

Heat oven at 150C. Prepare your baking tin. Beat at medium speed egg whites till frothy, add a tablespoon at a time the brown sugar at every 1 minute interval.....believe me you'll appreciate it if you beat your meringue slowly and lovingly, hehe! When all the sugar is added, add apple cider vinegar, turn the speed to medium high for about 5 or 6 minutes when the meringue is stiff but not dry please. Sprinkle the cocoa powder and coffee powder, and scoop the meringue on to the prepared tin. I wouldn't advice you to fold in the cocoa powder nor the coffee powder and the fat in the powders would deflate your meringue. Turn your oven to 110C bake for 90 minutes,,,when cooked leave the meringues in the oven till cold.

Salted Caramel Sauce adapted from the recipe learnt from Sarah Jasmine

1 cup sugar
1 1/3 cups whipping cream 30% fat content
30g butter

Make the caramel ie burnt sugar, turn off heat, remove your pot from heat, add whipping this point please be extra careful, the mixture will spatter. Once all mixed, heat up the mixture a bit for about 3 minutes, remove from heat and add butter until well incorporated. Leave to set at desired consistency. Salt to taste, I used fleur de sel.

Whipping Cream

I used 400 ml dairy  whipping cream, whisked with 2 tsp vanilla until soft peaks. I omitted sugar.


I used 6 bananas

How to assemble....just place the meringue disc on a plate, spread the whipping cream, dust some cocoa powder on the cream, arrange your sliced bananas, and drizzle salted caramel sauce. Place the second meringue disc on top of the first, spread the cream, dust cocoa powder, spread your bananas, drizzle your salted caramel sauce.....ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!

Ok peeps , I gotta go...bakes waiting friends waiting, Khadijah's waiting....

Thursday 17 October 2013

Devilishly Moist Chocolate Cake ..... I Am A Baker!

Hi ya peeps! I just realised that it has been almost 2 months since I last updated my blog! urgghhh! Yes, I have been busy, very very busy! Things move in flashes when you work on your own! I am not complaining, but I realise that you achieve more when working on your own....baking ...the baking business is doing fine alhamdulillah....Mondays were usually my rest days, but I have busted that the past 3 weeks. Otherwise baking, err work starts on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and a bit on Sundays. I usually go out on Mondays, have lunches with my friends and stock up ingredients.

Have I become a millionaire!? Nope, but I am definitely happy now, I don't have to think to say that...Do I worry about my income...yeah a little bit, just a little bit, I put all faith on Him!....and the other best part is most of my customers become my friends...what more can you ask!?

I check my messages on Mondays too! But, of late I have not been trying new recipes, well, I have tried a few recipes but have not had the time to update them here. I have started my classes in September, there will be no classes in October, but there will be classes in November....hopefully in my new premise which I will be renting. Renovation works are now on the way.....and I can't wait to release new modules. It will be easier when I could decide on the timing and venue!

I have not resumed my mengaji classes since we left for raya puasa, the kenits Hajar and Muhammad have been down with chicken pox, so they were at home with me, and I was grounded!'s the recipe that I made in Ayer Baloi...please excuse the pictures, we couldn't wait till the ganache sets before we dug into the was super delicious....and I used Van Houten cocoa and blocks and some herscheys dark chocolate in the ganache. So, no excuses for not trying this recipe....

Ingredients the recipe belongs to Tish Boyle!

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cups cocoa powder
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 2/3 granulated sugar
1/3 cup (80 ml) corn oil
2 large eggs
1/3 cup (80 ml) milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup(240 ml) boiling water


Preheat your oven at 165C, prepare 3 9 inches round cake tins...I used a casserole bowl.
Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda , salt into a mixing bowl. Mix them on  low speed till well mixed. Add sugar. Add oil and mix on low speed till the mixture become crumbly. in a separate bowl mix eggs, milk and vanilla...add this mixture into the dry mixture until well blended. Still on low speed slowly pour boiling water, and scraping down the mixture. Pour the batter into the prepared pans.

Bake for about 40 minutes, let cool. and garnish with chocolate ganache.

For my chocolate ganache I boil 200g dairy whipping cream (at least 30% fat content) and pourt onto 200g dark chocolates. Set it to the consistency you wish, I just poured mine right away on the cake.

Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

Nite work this week begins tomorrow! Have a brilliant week!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Faith Food Fashion....Post Ramadhan....

Hi yaa's almost a week when we first celebrated Eidul Fitri, and we are still celebrating. The mood is still strong, especially for the Johorian, I must say.

For me, since hubs and I have the luxury of choosing our off days, hubs have decided that we spent more time together in Pontian, Ayer Baloi....but I do not wish to blog about that apart from the new swimming pool that hubs constructed behind the old rumah pusaka. It was a dream came true for him!

I wanted to reminisce on what I have or not achieved during my Madrasah Ramadhan experience....I have done more Terawikhs than I have ever done before all in the wee hours of the was an experience that I pray I live long enough to do it again (better) next Ramadhan....I have done more solat sunats than I have ever done before , too! And the serenity and calmness....only you and the Almighty knows. I also did my first ever Solat Tasbeeh...syukur for this with Ustazah Fatma... but I only got to verse 44 AlBaqarah ....blergh...I must continue with my Quran reading...... Ramadhan, I will continue with my Quran reading and possibly join the Quran reading classes on Monday till Wenesday in Surau Bukit Mulia, inshaallah....

...Ramadhan this year was also the first month I was salary -less....did I peep into my just left to Him to determine and make sure that I have enough...and Alhamdulillah I had more than enough even though baking frenzy was only during the last weekend before total submission is really the way to go folks!

I must also say that I have been blessed that I have met more people of the flocks that I wanted to be (not that I do not want to be with you...)'s all in the doa....

...and now, what about food and fashion...I really think they are similar but of different evolve and change like fashion...people talk about food as much as they talk about fashion...right! People don't just talk about dinner or coffee...much like fashion, people talk about the producers, the craftsmanship, the ingredients, the style....Look at how Butter Cake evolved into Victoria Sandwich Cake...and from a simple cake sandwiched with preserves, I have added buttercream and fresh fruits! Food is not all about the same flavours and tastes and colours....with styling, one needs to do contrasts and mix and match...ohh....I so love this area...a new repertoir in my menu and it is so fun to do! I am a sanguine, I need to be happy, to evolve and change you see......and the will see a great combination of flavors and colors! Inshallah... 

....and I'm one couldn't help notice my obsession with this blue lens aviator, it! We need to evolve like food and fashion!

So...Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.....

xoxo Yani thekitchenguardian

Monday 22 July 2013

Moving On.....

.....moving on does not mean that you forget the past, it means that you've accepted it and decided to live with it....

Well peeps, it should have been my off day today. But, I will be delivering this beauties as instructed by their beautiful sender (I am only but the baker, hi hi). This will be my routine for the next two days. Thank you the "tiger bank" for giving me this opportunity again:p

We are coming to the second half of Ramadhan, and I have been truly blessed! Aren't we all, for we never know that we'll meet this month again next, let's continue with our ibadah and sedekah!

Here's a beautiful song to lift your spirits on a Monday morning!

xoxo Yani thekitchenguardian....

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Let's Go To Madrasah Ramadhan

Salam Ramadhan and good morning! I feel so overwhelmed now...I haven't gotten use to my new schedule, and now I have a new routine, even though just for a month....I am not complaining except the part where I still haven't replied all the messages I received since Thursday...I'm so sorry ladies....I will reply them slowly but surely, inshallah...

You know when I decided to tender my resignation, I didn't actually plan that I will welcome Ramadhan soon after that. I have been blessed that this is happening....and what's more was attending my first class with Ustazah Fatma...

I might have said this in my earlier blog post, but here's what she said....going into Ramadhan is like going to school, we reap all the pahalas and try to avoid any dosas....its is a special month, a month that is mentioned in the Quran. One has to prepare oneself for the beginning of the month and during the month...all the syaitans will be tied, the doors of hell are closed, however one still has one's nafsu...desire....Ramadhan is a month to train oneself to feel the pain (of the less fortunate), to go through everything in a very humble less, spend less, do more ibadah and sedekah....and hopefully after going through the madrasah one will become a better person, and continues to do the ibadahs like in the madrasah....her ceramah was so beautiful....

...and for once, I didn't care how much money I have and how much I will make in Ramadhan....a lot of us will be busy selling cookies what not and I was one of them....I too wanted to do loads of cookies , but after the  ceramah...she said do whatever that you are able to do, don't tire yourself for you are to do ibadah at night....the terawikhs, witir, hajats, tahajjuds...Quran reading...these are more important...and do sedekah everyday! even though it might be a small gesture!

Ah...well then...I will follow what Ustazah said.....

I will make some cookies and offer them to you, whatever I make, whatever that is available....Biskut Dahlia and Almost Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies. You can order your cakes and macarons also...I will baking Victoria Sandwich Cake, Sicilian Orange Cake, Carrot Cake, Red Velvet Cake and Devil's Food Chocolate Cake, inshaallah.  Please email me at or text me at 0193945608. Tq, peeps...

...for I want to spend a normal Ramadhan......'s wishing you a blessed  Ramadhan as we never know if we will get to meet again next Ramadhan...

xoxo Yani thekitchenguardian

Sunday 7 July 2013

Bakers' Day Off!

Salam and hi! I am slowly getting into the grooves of working on my own now. Haven't got a routine yet as I still run like a headless chicken especially from Thursdays to Sundays! The days seem shorter and I found that I have more things to do! But, I love the idea that I don't have to brace the traffic anymore in the mornings.

...I also realise that I have to shower immediately when I got up in the morning....thus far I have been getting up at 4 am the earliest...otherwise, you 'll see me still in my pj bottom at noon! I still haven't gotten the hang with my orders...with messages not read, I'm sorry ladies, I hope to improve in this section, huhu.

I have not started doing any cookies, even though Ramadhan is just around the corner....I will take this easy so any cookies for sale will be based on what I bake. However, I will be taking orders for macarons and cakes for Eid!

I attend mengaji classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Ustaz Habib in Masjid Taman TAR on Hadis and Kisah Nabi (pbuh) and Tafsir with Ustazah Fatma Azzahra in Surau Bukit Mulia on Thursdays....I will do anything to attend this classes, they are priceless...I felt as if I was reborn! Inside I am more serene....liberated....I can't describe the feeling....and after all this years i just couldn't wait for Ramadhan to arrive! Ustazah said Ramadhan is Madrasah...a school where you reclaim yourself, to do ibadah and forget the worldly just during this holy month....fasting is meant for you to feel the pain, to have less....

...when I thought back, I came a long way to go to this classes, went through quite a bit (don't want to tell you), but I feel really blessed to be able to do this now! be honest, I only have one large order in Ramadhan, and I haven't a clue of how to survive this month...but I believe that things will fall in place, inshaallah!

...inshaallah I will move in into a new space sometime in the end of August, the house will be ready by then. I will have more classes from basic buttercream, fondant and hantaran cakes! ...can't wait! My wish is also to be able to fulfill more orders!

...and Monday is officially my off day, I have declared that! Last week I went to KLCC park...tomorrow i will follow Khadijah to register back in college and then we'll probably go to Bangsar... have a nice meal and I want to go to Dian Pelangi hehe....

...enjoy this song, my current favourite...most times this song will play in the background when I cranck my oven in the wee hours of the morning...

Have a productive healthy and blessed Ramadhan week ahead!

xoxo Yani thekitchenguardian

Wednesday 3 July 2013

A Walk In The Park....

Salam and good morning! It will be my third day of retirement today.  Am I enjoying the 'freedom'...yeah I guess, but funny I thought I have been having this feeling all this while....I suppose this thought of me not going to work has been in me without me noticing it all along...what am I is already the wee hours of the morning....

My last day of work was Tuesday last week, however, I had to pop by to settle some personal matters with HR and close one matter the following day...I left office at around 3 that day.... that night I slept like a log, in fact I dozed off without even showering...felt like the world was lifted from me....and then, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday I spent my mornings as early as 5 am baking and frosting my cakes...oh wow! I could not remember baking so much....but I was darn happy!

...Sarah was supposed to come yesterday and we were supposed to start baking our cookies for Raya...but I told Sarah to join me for lunch in KLCC...we were not going to bake that day, and I really wanted to walk on KLCC park!....and that was what I did...felt so liberated, even though I was a wee bit disappointed with the whole cpuld be nicer, prettier, more happening...well, except where the fountain was, the rest of the park was just so, so....really makes me want to go to Central Park New York asap!!

...some people in the office thought that I was bored and suggested that I return to way...I don't think so...but I must admit that working at home all by myself made me felt a little lonely...been "whattsapping" Rina and spoke to Wiz to cut this loneliness, huhu!....and since it is only the third day me being at home, I haven't actually establish a routine yet...I went to my first "mengaji" class yesterday morning in Taman TAR and learnt about the prophet and a sunnah....the best feeling I felt after that. And since I really wanted to go to a "tafsir" class, think I will have to join my friends in the surau at Bukit Mulia, since the class in Taman TAR is held on Friday nights....

I baked quite a bit after I returned from my class, and I can thank Him more for the orders that come in, Alhamdulillah! I am still looking for my own space for baking, orders, studio and classes...but that have to be sorted latest after Eid, my tools and cake tins are piling and I couldn't even get a new oven and cooling racks and the space in this house is limited already, know with 6 kids and all, bahaha....

Some people have asked for a class for Raya cakes, and I thought that we should stick to the basics like below...I will throw in a demo to bake a Victoria Sandwich Cake, since so many have been asking about the, I'll see you in Sugarflours Bangi on Saturday, ya! It will be a group hands-on, so I will not bake extra cakes from home, you will have to work out amongst yourselves during class, with my guidance...more interesting!  

...a lot of people have asked me for a Banana Walnut Cake answer would be to try this...

Banana Bread
125g butter melted and cooled
125g sugar
2 large eggs
about 300g mashed bananas
175g plain four whisked or sifted with 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda and a pinch of salt
3 tbsp natural yoghurt
1 tsp vanilla

Mix the melted butter with sugar and vanilla till well incorporated, add eggs one at a time, add the mashed bananas. Add the flour mixture in 3 additions and last add the natural yoghurt. I also added about a handful of chopped walnuts into the batter. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 C.

As for the topping I use my favourite cream cheese topping and drizzled with salted caramel..

...yup...that was me at the park, got on the swing before we were chased by the guards at the park , hehe...I have always wanted to walk in the park....

Night peeps, gotta catch a few winks before finishing a few cakes to deliver in the morning..

xoxo Yani the kitchenguardian

...this is how I feel now, not having a withdrawal symptom from being away from work, but I am still adjusting to my new life...enjoy the song peeps!

Monday 24 June 2013

Just Do It!

Assalamualaikum and good morning! I have just got up to do some baking. I have been doing this an early night to rise early to bake before I left for work. Easier...but having said that I have 2 more days to go to work, from 26.6, I will start my leave and officially 1.7.2013 I won't be a blue telco staff anymore.

Scared...of course, anxious? Definitely...but I am already at the bridge and I just have to cross over, no more turning back, no regrets..I just have to do it, make it work!

But, funny, when you decided on certain things, the world will move you towards that direction...and what's more intriguing is that, things were moving faster that I thought it would be...all towards the directions of the thoughts...the goals that I had..

I recently viewed a shoplot ....well, you see I wanted to just operate from home, but "kamalkamalia" had made me think got a dream, go get it girl, she said! I paid a deposit for the unit to rent, but later the landlord wanted more...I could slog for it, but I thought I might as well cut on my overheads since I am new...I needed all the reserves!  

....thank god for friends like Razlyn, yesterday we viewed a house that sits on a cul de sac that belongs to her best friend, which lounge is accessible from a main road...actually it was a unit that we had eyes on when we first got married years rent or purchase...see the power of dreams and subconscious mind! I have settled for that, only thing is that I have to wait for the house to be vacant, repaired and painted in the colours I, Inshaallah I hope to move in sometime in July, or early August latest...can't wait! Never mind the fasting month, one can't wait for all to fall in will be my own nest my own cake studio, baking and classes and cakes to go will be available from that cosy place!

psst...I tried a new fluffy buttercream recipe and added strawberry filling in this magnolia bakery style cuppies...oh they were so delicious!

...and orders, my! I must bersyukur and thank the Almighty, they have been pouring in, I need an assistant pronto!...and there have been talks on new business ventures as me supplying to a few chains, inshaallah!

One of the things that I wanted to do when working on my own is going to mengaji...I will start my class on Thursday...I have been trying my best to do solat soon after time instead of delaying...I found that so soothing and calming! much so I have been baking and delivering my orders really in the nick of time and last minute, and the orders were ok! I don't fret and fear about my orders anymore! I don't collect any deposit, so it's cash on delivery, and I did not worry about non-payment except a wee bit, bagus kan! Just berserah! that's it for now, with my wifi fixed at home, I hope to update this blog more often, and use my camera tra for now, I really have to go and bake hehe good morning hope we all have a barakah week!

xoxo yani, thekitchenguardian...

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Random Thoughts but Let's Go Places!

Hi ya you all! After almost a month in hiding, well sort of but done unintentionally, I wish to pen down some thoughts...a lot took place in a month period....thoughts change and new goals set! know that apart from taking food pictures I love to capture not the wedding kind of moments but those moments that one cherish forever...I have tried doing that after I came back from my Zero to Pro workshop with Saiful Nang...but I really wanted to shoot newborns, babies, children! That opportunity came along when I was given a slot by KamaliaKamal of thephotolicious. She has a team of all ladies photographers under her belt and she had just given birth! Her baby (whom I have forgotten to ask what his name was) was our subject! I learnt about colour harmony, lighting and angles....the technicals In have learnt from SN's classes....and the result was.....tadaaaa

...this picture was not edited...well I never edit my pictures...and I was ecstatic with what I could do, sure there were only very very few shots that were ok. But, I also learnt more than photography...Kamalia forced me to think BIG, beyond what I could think I would be capable of! So, I have reset my goals and will execute them! Am I excited? Of course I am!! I am not revealing what next on my sleeve, but taking pictures of newborn will remain a hobby as for now...

Well, it was never my intention to travel outskirts and have my baking classes elsewhere than in Klang Valley. However, I was invited by a dear friend to fly to Kota Bharu to have my maiden class there. It was darn hot there I downed loads of water and didn't eat much, but hey...the market in Kota Bharu is untapped! The girls who came for the demo class were angels...and I learnt that if you think your life is hard, there are others whose lives are harder than yours. I encouraged the girls to go for it in the baking arena, offer more choices to the people of KB! And about Kota Bharu...I must say that despite the fact that there is no KLCC nor nice favourite grocery shops like Hock Choon there, I fell in love with the slow pace and simplicity of the life there....will definitely go there to have more classes!

...saw this on the plane...really got me thinking to go places!...and have more ovens and assistants.....

I had Nasi dagang for breakfast at Hover before my class on Friday.

Their satays were yumss!

This was taken at pasar Siti Khadijah... the name says, most of the sellers were ladies wearing chunks of gold bracelets on both arms! ...Funny when I wanted to buy some jewellery, I was not entertained maybe because my purchase was a meagre one hehe ....the ladies were buying at least rm4k worth of jewellery at one time...whoaaaa! torch ginger...

...take a look at my attempt at royal icing lace embroidery...

My first commission for macarons dusted in lustre powder, an order by Yong, and I loved this!

...hey, look at my handwriting, think it has improved, done this the old school way without using any nozzle...less washing for a maidless lass like me!

...and this the current cookie craze..Almond crunchy which is super duper easy to make...just mix 250g of Florentine mix with 500g roasted nuts, spread in a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 165C for about 20 minutes. Cut them while they are still hot and leave them to cool before storing away in cookie jars!

...and why I paste this video here.....I never thought that anyone would care that I leave this organisation, but one of the senior management this morning was shocked to find out that I have a few days left..."we will miss you for you have been so patient assisting us with your legal opinions and drafting and amending contracts in accordance with our tempo!" ...haha yeah all work needs to be done yesterday with this peeps...I shall miss this lot, too!....and immediately this song into my head..why oh why I don't know.....but it reminded me of my last few days in uni when my future was really not's different now

...for now I just have to focus and make this baking adventure a success, fullstop!

tra, xoxo yani thekitchenguardian

Monday 20 May 2013

The Baking Series....What I have Learnt!

I recreated the cymbidium orchids that I learnt in Bangkok! I'm not afraid of doing wired petals anymore!

Hi you alls! Yup! I call the classes that I have had so far, the Baking Series....I have started having the classes way back in March, April and May. I will have 2 classes in June, one of which will be in Kota Bharu, and another one possibly in Kuantan, before I break for Ramadhan, Syawal, Aidul Adha. I hope to have new sets of classes, different modules after the can't be serving your customers the same desserts all the time, right!..and I'm all excited to work on a master cake for my very own fondant series, you know from my cakes that I suck big time in buttercream, I'm only bothered with how the cakes tastes, so, I'm happier working with fondant hehe... 

Been thinking a lot about this Macadamia White Chocolate Cake and I shared this in Premium Chocolate Cake class, the cake was da bomb!

Actually, from the baking classes so far I think I have learnt so much more from the knowledge that I gave away...the students were very inspiring, they only inject positive vibes to you! Most of them have established their own caking business and I must say that they all are doing very doing business is definitely the way to go!

All the classes will end this way, we all had fun!

.,..and for us who came to the classes, it was like our "me time", learning new recipes and techniques and making new friends and sharing of good and not so good times stories! We all became friends! I can't ask for more than that, right!...and for knowledge, the students came all the way from different states, north, south, east and west..and I couldn't believe that Rozana actually flew all the way from Brunei! Alhamdulillah!

Sarah, my intern , a second year medical student, whom I'm confident will have a very bright future as a medical practitioner, photographer (like me) and baker (like me too)!

I have also had young aspiring bakers who are now studying in college ....and there were a few who had just finished their secondary education, who are doing very well in their studies and who will take up culinary  studies when they completed their degrees! These kids know what they wanted and where they wanted to go...oh I can only be pleased and be encouraged to work harder!

All this brought me thinking, why didn't I do this all earlier....the Almighty knows best and only directing me to this path now...

Gotta go, no recipes to share but am thinking of baking something with bananas and salted caramel, what say you, hehe..

Cheers, take care, be happy and please be productive :p

xoxo Yani thekitchenguardian.  

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