Vanilla minis ordered by Fariza for khenduri tahlil, thank you Fariza.

Choc minis also for tahlil ordered by Fariza, thank you dear for the support all the way! Note the hyacinth, lavendar hue in the purple buttercream, I like!

Koalas for a young family, Sofie and Farah...thank you Farah, next will be a baby, mummy and daddy figurine for you! Farah is expecting a baby early 2010!

Profiteroles for tea for Madam Tai Tai and her neighbours, thanks Gina!

A very short notice order hence the store flowers for a very hard working, young and bright lass Juliana who ordered the cakes for her cousin's hantaran. Juliana is completing her internship in an established accounting firm. When she came to collect the cakes, we borak-ed and she reminded of me during my younger days..ie worked till the wee hours, husband working away, anak emak bela...never mind Juliana, don't fret and feel guilty, do what you have to do with a clear conscience, let the puzzle fall into its place, it's a path that you have to go through dear, inshaallah. I doakan you.
dear kak yani,
thank u so much for the order and the pep-talk! it really helped to put things back in perspective. will definitely order again and hopefully would be able to catch up with over coffee soon! =)
kak yani,
tgk gmbq kek u ni, tetiba rasa sebak..tak tau pasaipa...hish!
At this age i see bigger perspective, but you dont have to get to my age to see them, yes pls txt me for coffee or tea...lady grey sedap tau!
sbb terkenangkan kek hantaran odil or emil kot....he he! i still cant forget tt sg merbok and your hse!
KG, I saw French Food @ Home on tv last week and she was making profiteroles and guess who I thought of?? ;-) you're really talented and more importantly, RAJINNNN!!
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