It was a hectic weekend...when has it not been anyway? I had to finish baking all the cookies...the orders...but thank god for hubby, he decided to take the little ones, Ibraheem, Umar, Hajar and Muhammad to Muar and then they adjouned to Ayer Baloi. Hubby wanted to clean the house in time for Raya...
So, I was left with Yusof and Khadijah and the tepungs, telorq, butter and the oven.....Saturday I did a bit of cleaning up...cleaned the maid's room, the kitchen and the bathrooms...lega! And Sunday, it was baking session from after Sahur, breather for Zohor and Bagus, sent Khadijah and Yusof to KLCC, continued after Asar until Maghrib, adjounred for Iftar at Bad's and continued until about 1 this morning....I hope I have covered them all....NOT, Nora just texted me wanting 15 bottles of Samprit....I have to turn down, time is not on my side.....
I have friends asking for recipes of Samprit and Butter Cookies and Kek Buah....tak sempat for now...I am also scrambling my energy for documents to be released before it's chaotic here in the office and at home...but I like...when the goings get tough...I become tougher....
A few pics......
KL view from Bad's apartment....
Muhammad Anwar Hasyim aka as Hansem...Bad's and Liza's new baby boy, 32 days old...

And back in Ayer Baloi, our first Passion Fruit, Markisa, hopefully it would be ripe and still there next week when we go back for Raya! We got the seeds from the Gerai Nenas that we usually got our pineapples.....Ayer Baloi is pure bliss....
You buat apa pun semuanya cantik cantik belaka. Hari Raya ni I'm attempting your choc cake tu. Hopefully jadi lah. Kalau tak jadi, I tuang vanilla cream on top and say it's choc pudding...hehe!
I love everything I see.
Adoss... mana u dapat giant energy ni? Raya di Ayer Baloi ye this year...
Aunty Yani,
We love passionfruit too. Mama would sometimes use the pulp as decoration for her cakes. yummm... purrr...meow!
yani, I've commented on your butter cookies before, but nak comment lagi sekali... they look sooo sooo sweeeet.. so pretty to look at!
Nasib ade ur hb or else macam mana nak habis buat tu cookies.. nak raya ni macam tak habis habis eh kerja kita.. hari hari pun penat
samprit recipe aunt really loves it and thought it'd be a nice surprise if I can bake for her b4 hari raya.biskut lain i buat doesn't seem to impress her.truly appreciate it,of course when you have the time.
salam sis yani,
boleh ke u post kan recipe butter cookies ni. nice laaa eena tengok :)). i wud like to tryyy...
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