Monday 5 September 2011

Sana Sini Raya!

Too many pictures, too little a time to narrate a story!So, let's see what we have here!
Muhammad tired after we arrived from Ayer Baloi.
Baking resumes, Butterscotch Congo Bars!I like!
....errr I carry a tool box, not a cosmetic kit!, hehe!
Kek Lapis Cempedak, baked in the new oven in Ayer Baloi!
I love the sight of choc macs!
Me and my hubs and our brood! Di pagi Raya!
His samping, I like...he's also influenced by my macarons' colours!
Soma flat arsed was raining and I dried them in the oven...gotta blame something, blame it on the weather! tasted great anyways...he I go perasan!
Made this pie base for Banoffee Pie, for my first day posa 6 iftar! Recipe, later!
Nephews and my boys playing games...I played with marbles and rubber seeds those days!
Al and Aron< Irish descendants in Muor!
Siti's children, comel!
Some of the cucus of Hj Bahrom!
The aunties!
MIL's lampu...I remember when she chose this!

Tra for now....will continue later!


Puteri's territory said...

Kak, I love looking at all your photos and you have such a beautiful family. Selamat Hari Raya to you too.

MrsNordin said...

My MIL has the same lampu!!

Edi said...

lovely family u hv! i wish i have 6 kids like you.. tapi 2 sudah keluar ikut tingkap la! haish.

ezlin said...

salam kak,

just wondering where did you buy those butterscotch chips..tak pernah jumpa kat bakery shop

CathJ said...

wow.. nice family photo.. mana satu si emak.. si ayah ni?? semua look very younggggg.... ^_^

Selamat hari raya... from silent readers.. ^_^

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