Yes, don't think I was born to be a sugar artist, I can't even draw "orang kayu" properly! So, can you imagine when I had an order to do Transformers or Ben 10 figurines??!! And it was on short notice....I wanted to turn down the order, but my dear friend Safura, insisted that I cook up something for her 4 year old Arman, not one set, but, I told her I have done teddy bears before (from my lesson with Lyn Hassan @ Wilton's). So, teddy bear it was.....
The pictures weren't very good, I was in a rush to feed my little man...
Arman is 4!
I wanted this to look like a painting/sketch by a young boy, but think it was not a very good job...I handle sugar flowers better....

Despite all this, when Safura and Arman came to collect the cakes, he couldn't stay away from the cakes..."Mama, are these mine?", he asked....hmm, it's so easy to please a young man...thank you Safura for the orders!
Wonderful, Yani!
Macam ni you cakap tak pandai...hish!
Neither was I Yanie but you'll figure things out and before you know it, Taa daaaa! Ok I promise I will conduct the figurine class next k and we'll "figuri"ne things out together.
Nice job by the way.
naz, kalau macam ni dia tak pandai, kalau dia pandai macam mana agaknya?
I can imagine why the young man was smitten.
Awww, the cuppies are just too cute!! Would love to take up a lesson or two when I visit KL Insha-Allah!!
Kak Teh,
As someone who knew Yani for quite some time, I can confidently say that it is hard not to love her ;)
Lovely, lovely friend.
(only a goooood friend would sms and update you -on the other side of the world- all through her contractions sampai baby's born....heheh!)
Love you, Yani!
Comellah teddy tu! Nanti bila Wiz buat kelas figurine jangan lupa ajak kak Izan sekali ok!va
kak yani, emil bday is on the 9th...kalau u kat sini mmg i order kek kat u :((..
mcm ni punya la lawa kata x pandai...i have to agree dgn kak naz and kak teh lah...tak pandai ni mcm i..lukis beruang jd orang! ha tu la...
naz, kak teh, lyana, tak nampak ke bear yg on the bottom cake tu rupa kucing, ha ha...i still hv a longgg way to go when it comes to figurines!!and depa ni semua fell in love wt me sebab i curi hati perut depa, ha ha!!!
i boleh poslaju the figurines, the rest you buat sendiri, ok!!?
wiz my sifu,
sebab tulah you ni tak tinggi tinggi....asyik dok merendah diri are very creative, and i'm not...creative nak kenyangkan perut i and the others yalah!!love yr creations lately ni, cantik sungguh, like i said mesmerisng...
no, when you come to kl, you wouldnt want to spend the time making sugar figures...we must eat those sugar figures and iother sugary food:))
kak izan,
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