Am back in the office...new boss...somehow every time when I return from my maternity leave, there is something new in the office, new pay, new role, now new boss and apparently new tasks...ah well, one needs to change to grow! Am still blur, so many things to read, meetings to attend, and it's only the first day.....
All the best KG, but I bet you are missing your kitchen. Good luck with juggling work and children and at the same time producing those yummilicious dishes!
Tak pa lah - semua new - ada sikit oomph nak start kerja...:D..
Welcome back to the corporate world!
Kalau tak larat kerja, jom kita ajak Chut, Ita dengan Aian jual chlorox ... hahah! ;D
Good luck Kak Yani,
Baby Muhammad ni kuat breastfeeding ye tu sbb dia dah besar (iye la, i tgk byk pic u tgh breastfeed dia). Best kan breatfeeding ni..:-)
Good luck with the new boss.
Kak Teh,
Tqs, this time i really feel kelam kabut, since dah senior expectation is high...and all i can think about is the kids and home!
zura life bloom,
yelah tu ada oommph...kalau ada lipton tea tak palah...lepas posa jom another round of mdm kwans!!!
nak juai clorox, betih ni nak kena pi therapy dulu, lepaih beranak tak lawa....mcm drmstick, ha ha...cepatlah disember mai, nak jumpa hang!
cikgu ida,
yes, muhd memang kuat "teks", yesterday he finished 5 packs of 5 oz ebm...i miss bfeeding him, what more when he can smile smile already...eh raya ni mai ghumah...
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