It has been ages since I last attended a formal dinner, the last I remember was when I attended the Bar Council Ball in hubby's early days of practice. And I had not been to any of my uni's alumni gatherings ever since I returned in 1991!
So, after many many invitations from the Club, I have decided to attend a Congratulatory Dinner held in conjunction with the new Yamtuan of Negeri Sembilan's ascending the reign of Negeri Sembilan, last Saturday. I went alone as hubby decided to take care of my brood, also to allow me to have some me time.....
I valet parked...sebab takut cari parking tak jumpa!! As I entered, I was greeted by Datuk Mazlan who used to be the CPO of Selangor and Melaka and now a CID Chief, who was my course-mate then. He is still the same, cakap with loghat utara..."Yani, you haven't aged, anak dah berapa oghang...err 6, Datuk", kembang sekejap dapat pujian, he he!!
Then, I headed towards the registration table, there were so many mature graduates, think they studied in Aber after I graduated, but not many young ones came. I was later greeted by a group of then and now very accomplished lawyers, Vazeer, Akhbar, Stanley and the present Bar Council Chairman Ragu...all looked the same except for their bellies and white hair..kesian!! "How come you are not in practice, Yani?", they asked. "Ahh, after I got my eldest, I decided that I'd devote my time for the kids, and I have 6 children!" They all tersedak-sedak, gelakkan I. But, they haven't changed at all, and all throughout the night we spoke about our children, and none actually talked about their achievements and their high profile jobs! I am so lucky to have such friends!
During the dinner I sat next to my course-mate Johan with his new wife, Vijay, whom I couldn't recognise, but he recognised me, and a few mature graduates who went to Aber to do their pHDs. These mature ladies and gentlemen actually talked about their anak menantu...it was indeed a life enriching night that night when I hear all their stories!
I also met for the first time after all these years, my mentor in Aber Pak Sahar, who picked me from the bus station when I first step foot in Aber on that cold rainy night, and he housed me in his farm house about 3o minutes away from the town...I thought I was not going to uni afterall that drive that night and 6 hour trip from London!! I was served with assam pedas rhubarb and smoked mackerel for dinner, you all...sedaapp!! Pak Sahar is still the same, carrying the same humor and wit! Tapi belly dia dah besar sikitlah...I told him to kurangkan makan nasi..."Apalah orang Melayu kalau tak makan nasi!", he replied. He is now the Principal of Kolej Keduabelas Universiti Malaya, his eldest girl is an engineer, second a doctor and the then thumb-sucking little Amelina is still a student. And Kak Nordi, his wife is still teaching!
I also met Pak Suffian, whose wife Kak Munirah did her phD, and I tunpang their house during my graduation day!
There were slight shows about the university, the forest, the seafront, the high waves, the Constitution Hill and the days when Yamtuan spent his student days there. When I saw those pictures I realised that I actually I miss Aber so much. Those days, especially in my first and second year were spent mostly in Nottingham. I only "lived" in Aber in my third year, diligently studying to get an honours degree. Now I will dig and find more pictures of Aber and post here!
I didn't really eat that night, because I was busy chatting and catching with old friends, and left at 12 and make a promise that I will make an effort to join this gatherings in the future!
My dear,
You know what. I just got to know you are best frens with someone in the first pic. What a small world. nanti kita ceritera. I am sure you had a ball of a time. You should be lucky to be rubbing shoulders with Tunku Yamtuan.
I am sure you left with heart so big kan Yanie. Meeting old friends getting reacquainted is just heart warming. Memories become your best friends all of the sudden and you feed on them to feel belong. I am sure Aber is a wonderful place and to spend your youth there must have been one of your best moments.
Dear Yatt TM,
Sape yek? Liza?? Farrah? Mas?? No I tengok Yamtuan from far je...siapalah saya nak rub shoulder wt his royal highness, but he is very humble!
Yup, never cherished Aber until I came back! You'll loved the place Whiz, jiwa you memang fits Aber...small holiday town by the sea side, small lanes, boutique shops, no traffic, people know each other.... very very quaint....
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