On Wednesday night last week and on the way home from work, I decided to visit the dentist to get rid of one of my tooth that has been giving me agonising pain for the past 2 years. The dentist allowed me to be on medical leave the next day. So, I decided to visit my gynae, which was long overdue and allowed him top do the necessary procedures which were also long overdue!!
The wound in my mouth was still raw and painful, but I decided that since it was my off day, I was going to Sugarflours (you can read about Sugarflours at here :http://www.sugarflours.com/) in Bangi. I fetched Khadijah from school, and off we went....
I was not very familiar with the area, so I had to make many turns until we spotted Vanilla Pastri and Yumie (you can get read about Vanilla Pastri and Yumie in one of Wiz's posting at here: http://inawhiz.blogspot.com/). We also spotted Bangi Kopitiam.
The first time we went to Bangi Kopitiam was when it was first opened, in fact we were approached by one of the owners to join their venture, I turned it down due to some reasons. Khadijah had Tomyam Beehoon and Roti Bakar, whilst I had Iced Lemon...sakit gigi tak selera nak makan!! Anyway, we spotted some pictures taken at my house that decorated the wall of the kedai....
These were taken in front on my house, my FIL reading newspaper and sipping kopi, yes, the kopi that is served in Bangi Kopitiam...we had a food tasting session at my house that day!
This is a picture of Umar (left), Ibraheem (middle) and one of the owner's son, taken in my open air kitchen where my cooking hiatus takes place everyday!

And, believe it or not, Sugarflours is just next to Bangi Kopitiam, well, the other end of the same block...dejavu!!! What is this suppose to mean to me??? Am still pondering and putting things together to complete the picture that has been playing up here all this while.....
Khadijah at the entrance of Sugarflours. Actually this trip was also a date with my sifu Wiz, that had been planned many months before!
Looking at the shop alone made me fell in love with Sugarflours. It is "cute" and reminds me of the little speciality shops in quaint Aberystwyth, where I studied before. In fact, like I always say that this world is small, one of the owners of the shop is my fellow college mate's sister Watie, in Aber! I did not meet Watie but I was greeted with warm hospitality by Lisa whom you would fall in love immediately once you speak to her! So sweet...
Sugarflours had almost all the cutters, tools and colours that I have been eying on the net! My my, had Wiz not been there, I would have borong-ed all the cutters and tools...after I gadai my ring that is!! Now, i have to save up to enroll in their PME courses! Yes!
Some of dummy cakes on display....
Cutters and tools...oh I had to choose...wish I could have them all...
Inside the shop!
Fariz, Watie's brother studied law with me!
Hmm, you can tell that all these really liven up my days, especially lately....

Looking at the shop alone made me fell in love with Sugarflours. It is "cute" and reminds me of the little speciality shops in quaint Aberystwyth, where I studied before. In fact, like I always say that this world is small, one of the owners of the shop is my fellow college mate's sister Watie, in Aber! I did not meet Watie but I was greeted with warm hospitality by Lisa whom you would fall in love immediately once you speak to her! So sweet...
Sugarflours had almost all the cutters, tools and colours that I have been eying on the net! My my, had Wiz not been there, I would have borong-ed all the cutters and tools...after I gadai my ring that is!! Now, i have to save up to enroll in their PME courses! Yes!

Hmm, you can tell that all these really liven up my days, especially lately....
la nih i pulak yang terjatuh cinta kat sugarflour...tanpa melihat!!! heheheheh
nak kena jengok nampaknya!
Oh... I know Fariz. Used to work with me masa kat BMB dulu. That's why when you told me about his sister that day, I thought you were talking about him.
Nice cakes on display. No wonder you went crazy!
pergi jangan tak pergi...bawak duit banyak-banyak tau!
you know waht to get for my birthday...dengan tak malunya, wink wink :-))
nice pics la kan..bestnya....and the cake, toksah ckp la, cantik2 la..yesterday i saw on youtube how to make cake deco...ish boleh ke i buat? mcm tak menyakinkan saja haha
buat je, i pun banyak jugak belajarq frm youtube! lepas tu mai rumah i kita borak more than buat kek!!
Yanie, glad to see you that day. Next time we have a sip first k. I am not into kopitiam sebab rasa mcm boleh buat kat rumah je food dia. Next time we try yang the perak food tu next building k.
Yanie & Wiz...kalau jumpa tu jangan lupa ajak kak Izan sekali ok..dah lama tak jumpa you all..
Wiz, Kak Izan,
Jom kita pi sama sama!
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