I guess what started off as "pembawakan budak" like so many has called it when I started baking in my early pregnancy, has turned into what I call my calling, not truely yet, but close to it...day by day. So, I can't put off this anymore, no more excuses as my heart beats faster towards my calling........so, announcing the opening of Kitchen Guardian Food!! Please feel free and browse
http://kitchenguardiantoo.blogspot.com/ to see how I can satisfy your palate!
Thank you all who has been giving me the support, you know who you are......loves, Yani.
Tahniah dah buka kedai online. Kak Izan yakin Yani akan berjaya, InsyaAllah!
tahniah, tahniah! looking forward to more mouth watering goodies!
bunga tu u buat sendiri ka? ish, kalau i le yg buat, jd bunga taik ayam la jwpnya...
Congrats!! I will definitely will be one of your regular customers.
Your steamed fruit cake MEMANG SEDAP!!!
Kak Izan, tq! bila kita nak pi figurine class?
Kak Teh, I tak lupa laksa johor,....next when you are in KL ok!
lyna, hish apa pulak bunga t**k ayam, bunga samprit tu kan bunga jugak..terra lagi you!
gina MTT, looking forward to offer more goodies next syawal!
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