Yusof...oh Yusof...
My son Yusof looks very macho and handsome, tough and manly but, deep down he's very manja...this morning while we were having breakfast, he blurted, "Mom, I tak sabarlah nak kahwin!" Say what??? So, I replied, "Hmm, boleh kahwin, but make sure dah ada rumah, ada kereta, good job as you are not running to me and ask me to SOS you!". "Oklah Mom, and she must pandai masak and gosok baju and kemas rumah macam you...". Actually, Yusof''s wife better be a good cook as Yusof has already started his cullinary skills, his telor goreng braised with bawang goreng and kicap manis makan with nasi panas will definitely please your taste bud even if you have already had your meal!
And Khadijah pulak, the other day said she wanted to have her wedding at Balai Perdana Felda....what mummy had in mind is just a very private function with closed friends and famil....ha ha!
And back to cake stories.....last week a dear lady, very humble in her occupation of preparing drinks to us all in the office, ordered 2 carrot cakes for her son's birthday... a lady whom I borrowed a lot of wisdom especially in the experiences of bringing up children. This lady is a tea lady but 2 of her children are accomplished engineers, and this is one lady who "lent" her daughter to her childless brother. I always ask her on how she has brought up her children to where they are now. The birthday boy now works with an mnc! I wanted to do nice decor for the cakes, she refused, malu she said...well what can you expect from someone who is really down to earth, thank you Kak Ana for the orders, the advice and the coffees! Next year, cheese cake ye Kak Ana!
The other order was from Zira, my pasar tani buddy, who would take no for an answer . The cakes were for her niece who graduated last week...actually it was more for her to makan-makan! Yeah, we love to makan-makan!! Thank you Zira for your continuous support!
Alhamdulillah, Yani. You are surrounded by such kindred spirits :)
Best kan Yani..kids look up to you so much that nak cari future pun nak ade ciri2 sewaktu dengnnya..alamak!..
u've done a great job...
Nice motherhood feelings!
p/s:...resepi samprit la weii...
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