I didn't want to wait longer or until she appeared at our doorstep this Saturday (if she was it would be a nice birthday gift for me!), so, I started looking for Plan B...a child minder or nursery. I went to Hadonah Adni, where the elder boys go for their formal education, there was a long waiting list. Being located in Melawati, it would be very convenient for me!
Then, I went to another nursey near UTM, Semarak, hardly a five minute drive from my office.....with Hajar clinging to my palazzo pants, I looked wearily inside the premises...nah! I haven't the heart to leave Hajar and Muhammad there. The babies were kept together, while toddlers played in their respective groups. There were a few other nuerseries there, but, I dashed to see Auntie Jean, Khadijah's and Yusof's kindi teacher in Jalan Pakat. Kindicare used to have day care!
"Yani, age is catching up, so, we all leave at 3 pm nowadays", uttered Aunty Jean....I love the environment there, it's quiet and the playground definitely was calling Hajar that day. "But then, I know this lady who does baby-sitting......if you don't mind", said Aunty Jean.
Yup, she is Aunty Roopa, a Ceylonese lady who had been baby-sitting children at her home for the past 14 years. I decided to check out Aunty Roopa as suggested by Aunty Jean, and guess what, both Hajar and Muhammad melted into the arms and toys of Aunty Roopa immediately when they saw her! She spoke to me about her vegetarian diet and others, and I thought that was the best that I can do for my babies!
As for ironing and lipat baju, Zira has kindly enough to allow her maid to come in weekly to finish that task with a small fee....I tell you I'm so blessed these people around me! I, in return will fulfil her wish for an order of Chocolate Moist Cake, always!
So, today I'm back at work, picking up the pieces where I left the week before and started toying with new documents! I think I have lost weight a bit, now that I can slip into my jeans that I bought before I conceived Muhammad. I loved doing house work, and Liza and Bad our constant visitors thought that the house was "brighter", too with the floor nicer to walk on!
I have a few options to get a new maid, Cambodian, Indonesian or Phillipinos, but I think despite the dismay and disbelief from my children that we are going to be without a maid for a while and my shoulders felt that they crumbling....I'm giving it a rest from a maid for a while! Let's see how it goes, and we will decide later!
And , my baking...I have decided that I'll take it to a different height! I believe opportunities are applenty during a crisis, and now is the best time to forge ahead and move forward despite this obstacle...afterall, impossible is nothing!
The Devil's Food Chocolate Cake done the way I like it to be enjoyed by me has been a big hit since its debut. Thank you all for ordering and being brave enough to try! I have a few other recipes which I have tweaked to suit my palate...so, TUNGGU!
Yani! I'm so happy to read this post!!
Everything is looking good Yani, alhamdulillah. Good to know there will be someone helping you with the ironing too! Can share with me o not?
Thanks for the cake stuff the other day and sorry for dropping by at a very peculiar hour everytime.
Rest assured your babies will be in the good hands of Aunty Roopa. Having said that, I know too that you are back bouncing upon looking at yr yummylicious devils :)
Go Yani...go!!
I know you will be fine dear, betul pun, Can spare time to bake somemore. Still praying for Wahyan to appear at your doorstep, A'min.
naz, me too!alhamdulillah!
wiz, boleh!my house is open all hours for you!
kay, itulah yg i doakan inshaallah!
yatt, if wahyan balik it's a bonus, otherwise we'll manage inshallah....
Kagum kagum...I always very the kagum with u kak, n now u with baby to mend n without a maid, salute lah kak yani oiii, dgn cuppies nyer lagi
kak yanie, u can do it!
btw i baked another devil's food choc cake from your recipe at my MIL's house last weekends.. my oh my.. i'm her fav menantu now :D
:) im so going to order again. My other half not a big fan of dessert but he loves ur cake. SERIOUS! Tak sangka actually.
recommend u to my friends as well. semua puji.
hi Yani.. Glad to read your blog.. Just wonder if your kids still taking care by the babysitter as you mentioned, Aunty Poopa, a Ceylonese.. My toddler is now 14 months and I urgently to find a nursery or babysitter for her. Read your blod and notice Kindicare is only operate until 3pm but I work until 6pm, what a upset.. as like you, I love the environment too~~ appreciate very much if you can share with me the details of Aunty Poopa if you don't mind.. my email add: eglantine_8983@yahoo.com
Thanks and regards,
CY Lim
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