But when I read about a dear blogger friend who's strongly fighting for her life and she could still smile and talk calmly with me, despite the persistent pain, while I weep...she gave me strength...her pesanan, and taqwa I use to my benefit to plod along.......thank you D....
Then, last night while I thought that things were better, the sobs of my MIL shoke me and all of us again....Azura had to be intubated, her platelet went really low and triggered bleeding in her right lung. I don't want to give further details about her, suffice to say that she too, is very strong and fighting.......I weep thinking about her, but, this are all His ways...it is not for us to question, but to seek the lessons behind this all.......I pray for the best from Him for D and Azura, amin....
And compared to what I am going through....I weep again and seek forgiveness from Him....
My prayers are with you all. Be strong.
I weep with you Yani. Whenever you need a weeping shoulder, call me k.
Sad entry..I too weep inside for your SIL.
As for D, shes our forever life's inspiration.
And don't be too hard on yourself..takde maid buatlah apa yang boleh.
Children memang pose a lot of challenges to us but at the end of the day, they're okay though not perfect.
Dear Kak Yani,
I am so touch with your post entry. Insyallah,I pray the best for Azura and your whole family.You have always been my inspiration to beoome a good mother.Take care sis
Love, Hazmah n Farrish
Stay strong, Yani..
right now I wish I'm right there with you :(
...my prayers from far...
Salam..this is my first time reading your blog and giving a comment. My prayers with you..trust me, sometimes after weeping, we'll feel better, just need to let everything out..I did A LOT of that when my mom was battling breast cancer and I feel for your SIL. Hope she will be okay, Insya Allah.
kak yani, it's ok to weep. life is full of surprises be it good or bad. semuanya ada hikmah dan untuk kita yg sihat mengambil iktibar.
zoorek's friends are always never stop praying for her.
may Allah permudahkan everything for her, i'allah.
u take care too, kak yani.
BJ, Wiz, Kak Uda, Azmah, Kak Puteri, Naz,niza, edi...let's all doa for what is best for her.
Niza, thank you for visiting.
My doa for you and her. Be strong dear.
Kak Yani,
I feel for you too...
You stay strong ok, my prayers and hugs to you!!!!
You and Azura are in my prayers and supplications...Be strong and take care ya. May we redha and tawakal and rise above the test that Allah SWT has given to us. Amin Ya Rabbal Al Amin.
Kak Yani,
This is Kokang, Zoorek's friend. Dunno if you remember me. I've been trying to get in touch with Zoorek's mom. Would you mind emailing me her phone number? fkhader(at)yahoo
Yani-you know what they say..things can only get better, whenthe going gets tough the tough call their mom and that kind of thing..but if you have not realised it yet woman- you are not alone...ada kawan call call lah oit
as for azura...I hope her body will give her a chance to fight....she has alot of life left to live...we'll see what the Almighty has in store for her..its only the best.
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