I have never bought so many eggs ever in my life!
Hajar playing in my vacuum cleaner box!
Bunga Kantan, good for my back garden, not to be consumed!
Muhammad in Yusof's ketayap!
In the midst of all the chaos Khadijah decided to invite her friends for iftar on Sunday, I could only offer Bombay Beryani and....
New love from my all time love, hubby...Classic Portmeirion!
Madness...that's all I can say! With just a few days left before Syawal comes round, I am struggling with my documents in the office and my baking at home.
I cleaned the ground floor of our house last weekend, but haven't had the time to do the upstairs at all...and my laundry...the maid's room have become like a Kedai Bundle...all clothing are dumped and divided nicely between six laundry baskets....I'm ok and happy despite this chaos! If only I have a bit more time, yes a bit more time for this that and the other......
So, I have finished all the orders, minus one...hubby took a bite of one Lapis Prune, lucky it's for my Pasar Tani GF....lepas rayalah she said, gulp....nasib baik! Thanks Zira! I did a batch of Almost Famous Amos Choc Chip last night, and only managed to store half of them.....Hajar, Umar and Ibraheem chopmed on them!
Well, this year I jumped on the bandwagon like the other bakers and made cookies, on top of Kek Buah and a few Lapis Prunes! And, all this cerita about kueh raya crept in.....not my stories, but the stories about how people had to slog and burn the midnight oil before they cane provide for their families' preparation for raya.....I know this happened to hubby's cousin in Muar, it is a case of kais pagi makan pagi for her household. There is no real confinement after she gave birth, she will be up on her toes about two weeks after delivery to make kuehs! And, there have been many Ramadhan's and Syawal's that she didn't sleep during the last few days before Eid, buat ketupat thousands of them and kueh, to support her family. "Azah, kau tak shopping raya?" , I have asked....."Shopping lepas sembahyang raya"! That is when all the receivables come in!
And reflecting back on myself....I have abundance! So, when I think of her, quietly, without any complain of stress or pain or migraine, I did my chores, I baked and I found such joy doing them! And, the pictures above were the shots that I took last weekend, while baking....
I was supposed to be on leave yesterday, but I had to come in to fair a document, so, I put here first, Resepi Biskut Sampit....
Biskut Samprit (courtesy of Lyana Mauseth!)
2 cawan gula icing
2 cawan margarine atau butter (I used Tatura salted)
4 biji kuning telor
1 cawan tepung jagung
3 cawan tepung gandum
3 cawan tepung castard
ceri merah atau kismis
The original recipe requires using cawan kenduri dulu-dulu, you know the clear see through arcoroc cawan, i measured that with the existing flour cup, the measurement is about the same.
Panaskan ketuhar pada 150C. Ayak ketiga-tiga jenis tepung.
Pukul butter dengan gula icing sampai kembang, masukkan kuning telur, kacau sampai sebati. Masukkan campuran tepung dalam tiga bahagian, adun sehingga tidak melekat di jari, if melekat tambah tepung jagung sedikit demi sedikit. Pada saya adunan yang okay dalah yang tak melekat di jari dan amat lembut apabila ditekan menggunakn acuan samprit...otherwise biskut akan jadi keras!
Well, after all said and done, all the cookies and cakes semua beres, inshaallah, but there are still some not delivered, collected....yet!
love your collection of photos there! a real teaser! he he..
anyway, your fruit cake is pure divine and your cookies melts in the mouth! best sgt! thks again and happy baking jgn sampai tak tidur k... kang raya mata u ade 'eyeliner' hitam! hehe
Thanks for the recipe..dah lama nak cuba semperit ni:)selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin
mak i mesti bangga resepi samprit yg dia dok buat bertahun2 tu dah femes sedonia hahaha
Aunty Yani,
Mama kita buat semprit tapi jadi sarang semut! hehehehe...sebab malas nak tekan-tekan acuan, she said. Takpe, rasanya sama sahaja... purrr....meow!
Lovely pics and blog post...Bombay Beriyani?? remind me to ask you to teach me ya :D...Great seeing you last Tuesday and am inspired to do more..baking..kalau boleh la...BTW - satu balang butter cookies dah habisssss...
Take care and Selamat Hari Raya dearest!!
tahun depan buat sendiri ok :p selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin...
makcik manggis,
best kan resepi ni!selamat hari raya!
terimakasih kpd teknologi di alaf baru...i'm just so happy to share the recipe...selamat hari raya lyana!
Cat in Sydney...
naklah samprit mcm sarang semut tu!selamat hari raya...
ha...mmg berantu itu cookies semua bila i bake tak dapat banyak sbb banyak yg masuk my tummy! i'll pass you the beryani mix, sangat senang buat itu nasi!
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin....
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