Almost enough of baking till the wee hours in the morning for the past two weeks, and due to school break, we decided to get Umar and Ibraheem on their joirney to, last Friday, I took the day off and waited for my two young men for their jouney. Dr Wan Osama a Paed Surgeon of Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital was chosen for the task! We arrived there at around 8.30 in the morning...and I'll let this pictures do the narration......
After about 2 hours waiting, they have turned into this...worried....there were 8 similar cases that morning!
Since Ib was more anxious, we decided that Umar were to go through his experience first....I don't know was Ib was thinking.....
This was Umar, as soon as he came out from the OT..."Sakit ke?"(Was it painful?) , I asked; "Sikit jer" (Just a bit), Umar replied.....think he was overwhelmed by the whole experience! But, thank God it was done and over with!
.....while Mummy browsed this beautiful scenery in Central Park New York, in Donna Hay's I wish.......
...and this was Ib after he came out from the OT, yes! Next would be Muhammad!
It was a spiral fracture, without any twisting, bla bla bla....nice one and no drama, not fun, not interesting (for him!)...the exact words of Dato Dr Syed Abd Latif, the Orthophaedic Surgeon....a tubalguard (or something) and rest for 3 weeks at least is good enough......
....phew....that made my day! I hate hospital stays, even if they were not meant for lunch was this toasted wholemeal bread tuna sandwich at the UK Bakery today. I also packed sandwiches for Ib, Umar and Yusof at home today! ....wonder what I'll prepare for dinner tonight....
I also had this tart....think my Starwberry Shortbread tart is better. This tart shell is overcooked and a bit hard.....
Well....what a beginning for the quite free this week, hubs had asked to keep this week free as we might go back to Ayer Baloi! ....but I have some photos to show you of what I did with the beautiful colour powder that Rima gave me last, wait up! I also want to try this recipe and Mat Gebu's Karipap Pusing, woot!
Have a productive week peeps...keep healthy you alls!
haf a great balik kampung time! and i pray for a speedy recovery for the boys & khadijah. btw, yr dfcc is really marvelous! my kids (and mommy) finish up everything! tak sempat nk kasik k.shidah lgsg!
Hv fun .. dont think abt orders this weekend ok hehe
To ur boys.. cepat sembuh.. to khadijah.. speedy recovery too!
boys! ahahahaha... i have 2 boys in line for the 'procedure'.. i pulak yg seriau!!
have a good break kak yani!
Sometimes pictures speak to you when you run out of words. So let them k.
Take care friend.
Ju, Rima, edi, wiz...the boys dah boleh pakai seluar! and now hv started main bola oredi! Khadijah has started going for her xtra classes for SPM exam and french paper....alhamdulillah!
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