Monday, 30 May 2011

Happiness Is Making Others Happy!

Classic Butter Cake with Vanilla Buttercream, thank you Suhaila
Coconut Macaron, Salted Caramel and Pistachio Macarons, tq Aida, Fadzrain, Tini, Wani in Penang (tqs Stefan for delivering this to Penang!).  
Pink Velvet Cake and Starwberry Shrtbread Tarts with Starwberry Toffee Drizzle, thank you Yong
Devils's Food Choc Cake with Choc Ganache, Cream Cheese and Starwberries, thank you Norizan.
 Victoria Sandwich Cake wrapped in homemade fondant, a hantaran cake, thank you Id, thank you Herta!
Am mesmerised by this!
200 Pink Velvet cuppies, thank you Yong!
Red Velvet Cake, tq Amy!
Red Velvet cuppies, thank you Dena!
 Thank you Id, thank you Herta!
Think I lost 2 kgs doing this.....thank you Yong! Almond Macarons with Chcocolate Orange Ganache and Peanut Butter and Jelly fillings. Need to improve my work on this in future...wait up!

You know, it is still madness in my kitchen this week...tired, yes, dont want to know, my hands...even Burts Bees Hand Repair Cream is not doing justice now....but most of all I must say that am extremely happy because you all beautiful peeps are happy because of all the above...thank you for your support pple...muahs!!


Sizuka said...

busynya k.yani!! patut la u've been real quiet last week :)

Emma said...

fuhhh i tgk gambar je dah penat..u lagi laaaaa..last pix tu awesome!! lekat dekat apa macs tu? very creative la u ;-)

Ribbon and Circus said...

cantiknya macaron towers tu..talented lah u ni KG..I dunno how u handled it, with office works, family and this passion in baking-membaking cum side-business .. mmg respect habis! :D i still fail bab time management.. he he

Anonymous said...

Love your mac tower Yanie. What a busy week you had. Good for you!

Unknown said...

Pandai nya..jeles

Tina said...

inspiring bakes and cakes! love them all!

KG said...

sizuka...musim cuti sekolah! this week ano marathon...nxt week i marathon zzzz haha!

KG said...

emma...alhamdulillah, i didnt think i wld survive last week haha! lekat pakai toothpicks...and making a mac tower is a real real experiencem fuh penats!

KG said...

ribbon clown, tak talented, i belajrq from internet semuanya! time management...i just do it!hehe....

KG said...

wiz...alhamdulillah, i know you were bz too!

KG said...

dr h...jgn jeles, you pun boleh buat....ikut i buat jer, tak jadi humban masuk tong sampah haha!

KG said... inspired by your grit! and macs!

Edi said...

wahh.... am mesmerised too! so proud of u kak yani!

MrsNordin said...

Great-looking macaroon towers!! Well done, Yani!

Unknown said...

subhanallah k.yani.. they are so beautiful! esp the mac tower! love the color hues. where does yr energy come frm? and the time?? without bibik somemore!! you are really a superwoman!

wan said...

OMG you were really bz kak yani, tp ada pulak Hamba Allah tu sebok sgt dgn the silicone sheets kan.. hehehh. menyibuk sungguh org itu.. hehe anyway bz meanas manyiak untung :)

KG said...

bj, tankiu!!

KG said...

ju! buat jer and dont stop to think, hehe!

KG said...

wan, hehe, tak pa...sbb tulah i tak celoteh...nanti kita sama sama buat macaron no!

LOLA said...

I'm so impressed! Cantiknya!!!

Jill Colonna is Mad About Macarons said...

Wow. What a beautiful post and look at all these amazing, colourful treats! Gorgeous cakes and ....macarons!!!!

KG said...

Lola...tqs! and tqs for visiting!

KG said...

Jill...tqs, but they arent as pretty as those in your book!

Mrs & Miss Vanilla said...

Bila agaknya I blh buat mcm tu ek Yanie? Macs tu semuanya eye candy betul. Love them lots....

Sya said...

Cantiknya ur macaron.

Kak sya dah 6 kali buat macaron.. kaki keluar cuma sekali aje.. sedih sungguh. Maybe kena join ur class but still wanted to do it without attending class. Tunggulah sampai dah tak bleh tahan.. further more buat suka2 not for sale.

Thanks for ur tips on baking mac during wet days hopefully the one I will be doing tomorrow will be ok.

KG said...

mrs & amp...tu dah ada kat blog you cantik mole lawa lawa lagi! :D

KG said...

sya, cuba dan cuba lagi...i pun dulu cam tu...sekarang pun esp bila time lembab haru biru dibuatnya, jgn putus asa...tak yah gi kelas, tak jd humban saja hehe! you can email me and we can share the exoerience together gether :D

Unknown said...

wow look at d last photo..u r so talented lah kak yani

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