Vanilla cuppies with buttercream icing
Yes...every cake that I made has its own story...this cakes were ordered by Fariza...who discovered me through her friend, who bumped into my blog. Fariza works in the same building, upstairs....
She started ordering profiteroles, then this cakes. Initially, she wanted just the hantaran cuppies, she hinted that she also wanted cuppies for makan-makan.....and I only dared to confirm the hantaran cuppies...due to my condition. The week after that she called and asked for the extra cuppies...25 je...she said! I said ok, but will depend on my condition...then, the week after, she emailed.....50 boleh tak? I just kept quiet....and the week that I was supposed to deliver the hantaran cuppies ie on Friday, she asked for 100.....I kesian and melted...so, I promised I would make 50 with simple icing and using the fondant flowers......in case I terberanak, at least the deco bit had already been solved...as I usually prepare fondant flowers a few days before using them...that way, I could actually plan my time!!!
She started ordering profiteroles, then this cakes. Initially, she wanted just the hantaran cuppies, she hinted that she also wanted cuppies for makan-makan.....and I only dared to confirm the hantaran cuppies...due to my condition. The week after that she called and asked for the extra cuppies...25 je...she said! I said ok, but will depend on my condition...then, the week after, she emailed.....50 boleh tak? I just kept quiet....and the week that I was supposed to deliver the hantaran cuppies ie on Friday, she asked for 100.....I kesian and melted...so, I promised I would make 50 with simple icing and using the fondant flowers......in case I terberanak, at least the deco bit had already been solved...as I usually prepare fondant flowers a few days before using them...that way, I could actually plan my time!!!
Came the day that I was supposed to assemble the cakes, there was power failure when I returned home from work....so my plan was to take the next morning off, if I couldn't rise early to assemble the cakes...but the electricity came in at 9 pm....I iced the 50 cuppies first, then, when they were nicely tucked in their boxes, I started assembling the hantaran cuppies......finished 4...then...out the power went off again.....with all my stuffs strewn on the dining table I couldn't just stop....ever since I started baking, my kitchen has been infested with ants...all sorts of species and varieties...since dia makhluk Allah, I biarkan je!
So, accompanied by the lilin's I finished the remaining 5 cuppies........phew....the arrangement of flowers were all not the same...I couldn't see properly!!! Worst still, I had a text message from dear boss to cover him the next day to attend a 2-day seminar...so , my cita-cita nak masuk opis lambat sikit went down the drain...the next day, I dropped by my office to deliver the cakes, and Fariza pulak had an event in Cameron Highlands, so I wasn't sure whether she liked them or not, her colleague collected on her behalf! During the seminar, I received a text message from Fariza saying that she loved the cakes, her colleague actually mms her the pictures of the cakes!! Alhamdulillah, thank you Fariza for your orders and your support all this while!!!
KG, the cuppies look sooo romantic la... must be because of the romantic candle light they were assembled under!! :-) I baru nak pi blajar dengan Wiz next next weekend... can't wait!!
you ni kan memang superwoman... you tau bila2 I terasa "adoii penatnya".. I cepat2 mengingatkan diri pada you and your boundless energy!!
Lights out and you get wonderful soft lighting for your shots. I love them.
Oh those roses...lovely. Kalau I, sayang nak makan!
The cupcakes u made ur Fariza would have been right for my hantarans as well, if it was 5 years and 3 months ago ehehhee
Where were u then??? Instead of the colours I wanted, my baker only managed me pink and peach colourd flowers even though I gave her strict instructions and colour palette grrrrrrrrrrr
Again, job well done dear.
Kawan baik kita dah balik dari umrah ker belum??
wish i cld join you...it's so much fun wt wiz!
photos, credit to khadijah...
dah balik dah and mengidam my cakes...ada ka! but then we still havent got time to catch up!
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