After 2 pushes and close to 9 hours of labor......
Salam all....yes, I have been pretty quiet lately, before I went into labour I have been too tired and too busy in the office finishing my work...of courselah no work will be done until...may be you are six feet under! And as I mentioned in my previous posting, I have been having contractions, err Braxton Hicks (ye ke, when it feels like the baby is going pop out), but when I go to bed at night, I zzzz, the baby zzzz and all contractions gone!
But on the lucky Wednesday 15.7.2009, I went to work as usual after dropping the boys at school, dropped by 5th floor cafetaria, got my sandwich as usual, had breakfast while browsing emails and updates from blogger friends..and I realise the baby had been rather quiet since topsy turvy and turning...I too didn't feel any, I decided to call my clinic and asked for an earlier appointment, which was supposed to be Friday 17.7.2009. They couldn't slot me as the day's clinic was full, instead I was asked to drop in to do CTG, which I did. I didn't think that I would go into labor that day....
Yeap, there were contractions every 5 minutes, and baby is fine. Dr. Ashar asked me to get admitted and get things going, as he said to the midwife..."Dia ni senang beranak"...yeah right!! So, I went down to do admission and later in the labor room they prepared me for epidural...yehah, epidural for the first time, and that was going to be my last delivery!Hmm, ingat tak sakit langsung...but I could still feel the sensation, but bearable...well at this age I don't think I can even stand a cut from my kitchen knife...let alone sakit, I thought don't carelah if the pain was going to be for the most minimal time it would be, I was going for the wonderful epidural!
But, there was a twist to the whole drama....first my dilation DID NOT progress from the time my waterbag was pricked ie at 2 pm until 4.30 pm, it stayed still at 3cm....I dah panicked dah, so instead of reading a trashy magazine, I read Yaasin...and the midwife on duty who was supposed to leave at 5pm came checked me before she left....alhamdulillah, it had progressed to 5cm.....lega. After that at around 5.30pm, I have dilated to 8cm...woo hoo, thought that we might see the baby before 6pm, I was 8.30pm also 9 cm.......and at 10pm, I could hear Dr Ashar's conversation with the midwife at the nurses' island......"We'll see what we can do if it is still the same by midnight..." I dah kecut perut nih...could it be caesarian, forceps, vacuum...I did not read about all this and definitely WAS NOT prepared for all those, iyai, I took out my Yaasin again and read, and read Al-Asr and prayed and prayed....
Then, at around 10.20pm, I felt the urge to push, called the midwife to assess me...and yes, after 2 more contractions, she said my cervix had opened up 10 cm, and Dr Ashar was called in......the whole drama ended at about 10.44 and Muhammad was born, by his CALM (that's what hubby said of me for this delivery) mother...alhamdulillah.
Come to think of it, why didn't I take epidural for the previous deliveries? Hubby said he survived this delivery without any scratches and howling and harsh words from me...sakit ma, how would I realise what I uttered to you???? Especially when all hubby can say is..."Tak pa you sakit beranak, gugur semua dosa...."emmm, why don't you go through 1 delivery and tell me how!!
Anyway, it's day 6 and I'm getting stronger as each day passes....maybe I would warm the oven and whip some butter and sugar earlier than expected, got to send some cakes to the midwives and nurses in the labor room (I ended up meeting all the 3 shifts due to my long labor this time!!!)as they were awesome and the girls in Dr Ashar's clinic -:)
Congratulations Yanie, and the baby is just a cupcake. Yes those are cupcake cheecks. I had one of those long labours too and halfway the doctor asked me to take the ephidural, like you I thought tak sakit la, tgk2 sakit jugak! And then baru doctor tu cakap ephidural doesn't work on everybody, sheeesh baru nak cakap la kan.
Hope you have a good rest Yanie, coz after this I am sure you will be caking non stop.
Congrats. Cupcake baby? hehehhe
alhamdulillah semua selamat. Weiiii rehat dulu....time pantang betul-betul rehat! Lepas abih pantang tak der channnnnn nak rehat.
Take care :)
Congrats on the birth of your little cupcake!! He's beautiful Masha-Allah!!
tahniah kerana selamat melahir kan...wah tembam nya nya pipi Muhammad...
Selamat menjalani pantang ya...Lepas ni ada lagi ke untuk no 8 pulak...
Adoi..akak pun dah penat nak beli pampers ni walau pun kadang kadang rindu suara baby ni.......kena tunggu suara cucu lah pulak..
Kak Yani,
I have to confess, sebenarnya i dtg blog u ni sbb 2 perkara. Firstly is to read ur post. Secondly is to ikut recipe cookies ni ha..semalam punya batch dah baih, now tgh buat yg baru..:)
U takut bunyi machine tu? Hahaha..i pon. Actually tadi i tgk ur pic cepat2, cumakat baby tu i paused lama sket. Why? Sbb I takut tgk delivery room tu, dah lak tu tempat sama, gynea pun sama..alahai, seriau la..tapi mcm nak lagi..hahahahaha..
I hope baby and u semuanya OK. Selamat berpantang dan berpeluh2 ye..:)
Kak Yani,
Congratss!! Ya Allah, pipi diaaaaaaaa!!! Chomeinyaaaaa!!!
Kak, the first photo tu muka u after delivery eh?? Segar bugarnya muka u?? (which is good!)Kalau dalam drama melayu mesti muka terlepek punya...hehehe
Selamat berpantang dan berehat! Kasi chan la sket kat oven u nak rehat kak Yani... :-)
kak yani,
again, tahniah!! and yes the baby is sooo comey and the pipi is cupcake pipi..siyok cubit nih :D
masa i baca post u, i tahan napas...jgn tnya pasai apa...mmg i tahan napas...rasa mcm i pulak yg nak beranak!! huhu trauma!!
Congratulations again Yani!! Will visit you and baby one of these days. Take care!
Great News ! And Congratulations to you and all the Best Wishes to your baby !
OMG..he is such a cutie pie!! :):):)
congratulations on your new additions....selamat berpantang
Kak Yani,
Tahniah Tahniah, so comey baby Muhammad, alhamdllillah. Ni mesti pandai buat kek nanti ni.
Ni yg sahadu rasa nak baby lagi ni, lupa sat sakit kena toreh 3 kali dah, keluaq kot tingkap semua.
Tgk muka baby comey hilang rasa sakit 9 jam no.
Amboi Tn Doktor, "dia ni senang branak" dia kata no, sakit 9 jam tu, takat cakap buleh la, cuba mai jemput sikit sakit tu tengok.
KG..! Alhamdulillah dah selamat rupanya...congratulations..! owh i love babies & Muhammad is sooo adorable with pipi montel itu..i dulu pun dgn dr ashar, sambut my 2nd baby, arwah muhammad faizul sept2002 , survived 9hrs only..tgk bilik u tu byk kenangan...sedih tapi manis..
enjoy ur precious new born sis..! rest cukup2 k =)
wiz, edelwiess,
yes, lepas pantang caking non stop!
probly will doing figurines class wt you after this wt wiz!!
tqs, alhamdulillah!
kak ezza,
ish, saya taklah seproductive mcm akak...tutup kedai dah no, lepaih ni!sorrylah akak, tak sempat nak post gambarq swaddle blankets...
hang still muda remaja, go for it baby!!
thanks...hai dgn technology, this delivery sudah jadi mcm drama minggu ini...yup pics right after all was settled, and moi and baby were being observed!hv to paint a nice picture for young ladies like you...taklah takut nak beranak nanti!!
oven tak leh biarq sejuk lama sangat....hi hi!
am sure you can do it...if you can do it in the land far far away in norway all by yrself...inikan pulak now you are back in our wonderland...i boleh temankan you in the labor room!!
nanti i pi sp nak sewa bot youlah pi tg dawai and all...
mrs nordin, got groovy bday bash tak like last year? sempat tak i nak betulkan my inches nih!??
tqs...hv you been able to contact cake connections or inawhiz??otherwise i might arrange for some classes later this year, when baby is bigger and you can join in!
tqs for dropping are sooo sweet and pretty, will catch up wt your blog soon!!
dessert rose,
la pasai apa kelurq kot tingkap??kudos to my dr, so sabarq, think he's more sabarq than me!!
sorry to hear abt yr baby no 2...what happened? we lost baby no 3siti kauthar, she lived for one mth, she had very severe multiple heart lesions...dont you think that the nurses in apsh and pak dr were such gems??!
fiza, you are still young, can hv more children!!
my baby was diagnosed 'anenchephaly' masa kat UK, was advised to terminate tapi i balik jugak msia nak mintak opinions from dr2 islam, since i was told that there's no harm in keeping my baby so i decided to carry him until full term..Bersalin je macam biasa @37weeks. He was cute cuma skull was not fully developed, ubun2 lembut. KG, kita akan sentiasa ingat them as 'baby' kan? dr.ashar & team mmg bagus :) more babies?? haha i dah ada 2pairs alhamdulillah, tapi kalau ekonomi i stabil insyaallah...not like you, kalau pregnant dapur i tak berasap up to 5 mths..!!melepek..
mashaallah fiza....i never thought that anyone i knew would be tested wt a child wt anenchephaly! i read abt it during the early stages of this pregnancy..err old mom like me carried higher risks, but in the end i stopped worrying and tawakkal je and be happy!tak pa rezeki tau dapat all those tests...well it was very hard then, betul tak, now am greatful for the test...
what ekonomi stabil tak stabil...i tengok everyday got posting cake yg cute mute...inshaallah wt every child ada rezeki dia..i totally believe in that!
yani!! the pic with dr asha tu really gives me goosebumps lar....the equipment, the midwives and ur leg up oh my....takutnyer!!! me counting the days now :P
p.s/ muhammad tu mmg cuppie baby lar...
To KG and baby Muhammad Cupcake
You all are so adorable. Congratulations Yani. Thanks for letting me know in my blog earlier. Read about it but tak sempat nak comment, sebab just too busy. Boleh accept visitors ke ni?
Salam Yani..
I dok baca setiap perkataan yang ditulis..seperti terasa jugak saat2 getir..( ye kecik baru 8 bulan..)..satu keajaiban kan..Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan segalanya....
Ok.Selamat berehat..
p/s:..Oueeewww..Yani..I shd have taken epidural too...sakit beranak sgt ...ingatkan sekuat dedulu...tapi tak pe..udahle ni...
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