Yes, I am very particular about this pantang thingy safe for a few things, like I gulp water like nobody's business contrary to the pantang larang of makbidan and makcik urut, I take fruits and veg, I go easy on jamus, but never fail to take supplements, nowadays its my organic spirulina and wheat grass and soya protein, this time round I try to take my fish and veg yang rebus rebus only with little salt....got to rid of the excess fat that I accumulate.....fast, coz when I put on my baju kurung pun last week .....I look hideous in it! I haven't weighed myself ever since Muhammad came out, but I feel I still have about 6 kgs to rid off.....The only pantang that I can't observe is masak....now bake and jalan-jalan.....no no I haven't gone to any shopping malls, etc.....but I usually bertandang at my mom's house once I reach the 30 day-mark!!
So, I was pretty bored last Friday (from Saturday until Thursday after I left the hospital, I spent the entire morning napping...recuperating), I checked my kitchen and supplies and found enough ingredients to try out this carrot cake recipe which uses golden syrup.....here goes:
Carrot Cake With Golden Syrup....
2 carrots (about 300 gm, grated)
150g self raising flour
75g plain flour
1tsp bicarbonate soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
80g muscovado sugar, I used CSR brown sugar that was available in my kitchen
185ml corn oil
125ml golden syrup, I used Lyle's, looking at the golden syrup in the recipe alone sold me!
3 large eggs, I used 41/2 medium that was available from my fridge
1tsp vanilla essence
You can add walnuts and raisins, I didn't as there weren't any at the point of baking..
Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celsius (my oven that is). I lined my 20cm round cake pan with parchment paper sprayed with baking spray and set aside. Got my maid to grate the carrots and set aside. Also got my maid to prepare all the other raw ingredients, no, I weighed them!!!! Couldn't leave the weighing with her, sat gi salah timbang semua tak jadi!
Sift the flours, bicarbonate soda and cinnamon powder in a large bowl.
Combine brown sugar, oil, golden syrup, eggs and vanilla in a separate bowl. Pour this mixture into the dry ingredients using a wooden spoon. Stir in the grated carrots (and the walnuts and raisins if you have them).
Pour the mixture into baking pan, and bake for about 40 minutes or until skewer came out clean. Leave to cool and ice with cream cheese topping.
For cream cheese topping, I used I bar on Kraft's Philadelphia Cream Cheese 250g, 1/2 bar 125g of Tatura salted (tu aje yang ada!), whip them from slow to medium speed Ms Kmix until, pale, add in 1/2 tsp vanilla essence (I would have used 1/2 tsp lemon juice to give the tangy taste which goes very well with the cake) and 1 cup of icing sugar, no the cup yang you use to drink tea, but the measuring cup for dry ingredients (I didn't even sieve this time mim..lif...lam..sin...get it!!!)...
And the result was a yummy moist carrot cake, like the pic above....thank god I had Mrs N and SW and Dr Jab to join me and borak borak for tea that petang, joined by MIL, FIL, SIL....so, what's left of the cake were enough for hubby and Khadijah before I slumbered to zzzz that night!
Point to note, the other carrot cake recipe that I use came from Wiz which is also very yummy, I have to ask her permission before I can post it here! This golden syrup recipe originates from a magazine in Australia which I stumbled upon while of course during bloghopping...and of course I have tweaked the flour content a little bit...but give it a go! Inshaallah, jadi...
Next in the agenda is Kek Kukus Buah cara orang dulu dulu, ginger cuppies, lemon poppy seed cake with lime curd and strawberry cuppies and fuit tartlet with homemade custard.....tunggu....
P/s TM, yes, I do accept tetamu...mailah when you are free!!
Next in the agenda is Kek Kukus Buah cara orang dulu dulu, ginger cuppies, lemon poppy seed cake with lime curd and strawberry cuppies and fuit tartlet with homemade custard.....tunggu....
P/s TM, yes, I do accept tetamu...mailah when you are free!!
memang lah dalam pantang ni saat yang memboring kan,, tapi kalau akak buat kek macam kamu ni lah, mau rasa nya mak akak yang dah meninggal tu hidup balik!!..lagi boring dengar sora dia membebel....eko belum kuat lagi..kang ttetas jahitan tu...kang kembang lah, itu lah ini lah....malam kang ko bontan,tanggung lah sendri...itu sebab nya akak kalau bersalin dulu,lebih aman balik rumah sendiri...suko ati den nak bangun pukol brapo...nak makan apo...nak pi jenjalan ko..heheheh
i pun mcm Kak Ezza, lepas jer habis urut terus balik KL ...masak and bake tuh biasa but kita tau la kan what we can and cannot do...pasal mkn tu i like u...i drank a lot ate fruits ....takut susah nak pass motion lagi haru....
i pun rasa nak gi visit u, wheres the house? email me ya
huihhhhh hebat nih...
nampak pun sodap!!!! kalau chek pi..buleh lah kot bakaq sekali lagi? hahahhahaha
Kak Yani,
Susah no nk cr pompuan la ni yg dok diam2 dlm pantang. I pun mak i mai seminggu ja, elok dia balik i start keta pi Subang Parade. Minum ni jgn crita la, sukat2 tak main la ha ha, ketegaq sungguh. Lyana lagi teruk ,lps branak minum milo ais, dalam pantang minum coke.
BTW, that's my fav cake yum yum
Yanie, you're back. Baking already, thought as much. The cake looks yummness. Tak yah ask permission, just tulis je la resepi carrot cake I tu. Eh I tgh tunggu kek buah kukus you ni. I have one old resepi but so susah jer nak buat and byk nor ingredients nya. Nanti kan you tunjukkan mcm mana nak kukus sumer k step by step.
Till then....muahs muahs muahs, for the baby.
Ps. Masa I dlm pantang I have to go back Ipoh, selalunya school holidays so tak der reason nak stay sorang2 kat sini. Bila balik Ipoh, sorry la nak dapat minum or makan sayur or buah sesuka hati. Sumer bersukat KKKK. Takut!, Opah I lagi strict, and she would normally be there to monitor so that my mom won't slack on me. Tapi klakar sebab kekadang tu my mom kesian malam2 lepas my opah tido dia seludup sirap gelas besor masuk dalam bilik ha ha ha.
Dear Yani
Saat pantang lah yang notimeoff tidak di praktikkan. I just sleep and jaga baby. Unlike you boleh masak carrot cake lagi. Dek oiii... jaga lah and be careful. Maybe you can take it but just be careful ok, especially ibu jari kaki tu. Jangan terhantuk. I ni conservative sikit when it comes to this episode.
kak yani oi...sempat lagi tuh nak buat kek...haiyaaa so stress i dgr sbb i ni yg tak pntg pun tak buat kek...
perkataan pantang mmg x wujud lah dlm hidup i...lps bersalin, i mkn je apa nak mkn...dah dok jejauh, keja semua kena buat...so buat sajalah kan...
ish mcmana nama i blh jd lyanalaunis lak ni...
yea..carrot cake, my favourite..tq for sharing the recipe, hahahha..malas nak pikir pasal diet..:)
Hi YaniKG....perasan thru ur fb..mengantuk ye..hihi!!...bertahan sayang oii...Muhammad is not the only boy kan..like me...tekejut kingkong..ayoyo..ini bujang kuatminum..dan dalam pantang..tak dpt menahan haus..minum dan minum...cume tak dak ais je...and now kegilaan pada nesafee sgt kritikal..hihi!,,baby suke je..mcm nak cube resepi kek karot yg lzat..tapi sayang..oven sudah losak maa....bak mai le resepi yang berkukuss...
p/s:..Kakaknye camana ngan si kecik tu?..
hihihi...i dah agak u mesti takleh tahan biar oven sejuk lama2...i pun 5 kali beranak takde berpantang..my parents came to visit 1st cucu dulu i bantai bawak diorang pi petik epal kat ladang masa baby 2 weeks old =P
i could get the postnatal depression kalau stay je kat rumah, berehat & makan minum bersekat-sekat..entahlah, ikut keturunan my mom's side alhamdulillah aktif sampai ke usia emas.kita sendiri boleh rasa body kita mampu buat apa,angkat berat tu takde le kannn..hehehe...enjoy ur holiday..!
walauweh, sempat lagi buat carrot cake! respek respek! hehehe...read ur comment, baguih noo...dah turun berat badan..jamu dah start mkn blom? kalau dah start lagi la cepat kan they all kata coz panas badan. takpe, u ada 6kg je to shed, vry vry lucky. smalam i gi check up n i dah naik ke 75kg!!!! aiyoyooo!! in just 2 weeks i gained 4kg tau! what la hv i done to my body..all in all, i gained 20kg from day one. erk!!
muhd surely makin chomey. jgn lupa upload his new pics! kitorang sumer kat legal nak tgk :)
The carrot cake looks amazing and delicious. I baked a carrot cake last week following Rachel Allen’s recipe from “Rachel Allen Bake!” show. Here is the website, if you want to try another version;http://uktv.co.uk/food/recipe/aid/607032. The cake was very moist and nutty and also easy to prepare. I understand how you must be feeling. Sitting down and doing nothing while recuperating will definitely drives you crazy. Anyway take it easy. This is the time you could laze around without feeling guilty.
BTW, I have contacted whiz. She is a nice person and responded me immediately
with her latest baking class information, but the venue is quite a distance for me to attend.
Take care,
Kak Yani
errkk.. thought what I just ate had raisins and walnut... Anyway.. i loved it... really like the moist of it.. but the topping a bit sweet for me. But still I like.. cut it into small piece when I wanted to eat.. and only just now I had my last portion.. Anyway, thanks again for the carrot cake.. I'll share with you my own version of kek buah kukus.. but it takes 4 hours to cook.. huhu..
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