Norli is my office administrator...sweet girl, pandai pakai make-up...I always ask her about the tips on how to do up my face, but I end-up in my lipstick and eyeliner je.....tak reti and tak kuasa!!!
My so-called "penangan" food with Norli started when she ordered profiteroles...once, twice, every other week...until she realised that she had to control her cravings and the inches, otherwise she wouldn't fit in her baju pengantin, he he!!
So, came the bertunang day, she ordered some cupcakes as hantaran, I didn't put up any pictures as my computer with those pictures gave up on me! And, she had requested that I do the same for her nikah hantaran... so! Here's what I have created for Norli....we both love lilac and pink..initially she wanted the fondant in lilac and violet...but when we thought it over (hish! macam I yang nak kahwin!) we changed the colours to those below! Thank you Norli, I doakan you preggers soon ikut jejak langkah I!
P/s I can never thank Wiz enough for her tunjuk ajar with sugar flower and fondant, without you howlah to create all these....sempena Hari Guru...terima kasih cikgu!
P/s I can never thank Wiz enough for her tunjuk ajar with sugar flower and fondant, without you howlah to create all these....sempena Hari Guru...terima kasih cikgu!

comel nya kek....
KG...u ni aktif laa..mesti baby you sangat rajin....dengar hari tu nak menjahit pulak..dah siap ke
If you don't know to specialise in make up for yourself, ha... cupcakes pun dah terlebih make up by you.
i dont use cutter to make roses for my cupcakes.....gentel jer from the basic teardrop shaped fondant....
the colors are very sweet...nice
Yanie!!!!!!!! you are so meant to do this la. Getting better and better everytime.
Cikgu ckp sama-sama.
You're getting better by the day. I am soooo proud of you. Cantiknya cuppies you ni..sayang nak makan lah pulak! :)
kak yani,
nasib baik lah u dok jauh..kalau dekat sure i dah enjoy pi tgk u buat benda2 ni semua...i tgk jelah sbb benda ni dgn i tak sesuwei la,masuk je tgn i sure x jadi haha
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