Thursday 21 April 2011

Pause and Breathe.......

My head is tingtong (heavy), it's wet (rainy season again??!) and my macarons were busted last night (they danced happy feet but cracked) and hence, I'm behind my orders for macarons, work is also catching up in the office, and I have also not replied your, I'll pause and do the the mean time, just to let you know that I have received a list of requests for macaron classes, and I have also been approched to conduct my classes in cake-house/ seriously considering the offer as that would solve my logistics and the requests...I will update you as soon as I can!

...and enjoy this pics of my cupcake baby Muhammad who will be 2 in July...ah he "kicked-off" (literally in my tummy then!) the baking in me and got to where I am now....

Pictures taken whilst I was doing work in my kitchen last Saturday...enjoy....owh it's dark and gloomy and the rain is coming again (thinking of macarons.......)...
He's a hat/cap fetish, I tell you....


Dzah said...

adorable Muhammad...

Janine said...

your baby is super cute! And do take a breather - you sound like you need it!

Unknown said...

ur baby is such a cutie! Kak Yani you need a break...:)

tireless mom said...

Alamak, Yani, Muhammad rupa your husbandlah. He he he...

Seriously consider offer tu. I know you are passionate about it.

LifeBloom said...

Alhamdullilah - for all your efforts and hardwork - its being vaildated and recognised satu Malaya...!! Lovely lovely pics of darling baby Muhammad :D

KG said...

dzah..zizou oso cute! bila nak attempt making macarons

KG said...

rina nar...mmg cantik sekali blog and creation mu!

KG said...

yatt...semua ank i rupa haq...tapi tak pa janji sihat and montel!

KG said...

zura lifebloom....ameen...nnti kita bermac at maisura's k!


Kak Yani,mmg your children ikut your husband.hehe..same like mine..
mmg tiring la to balance work and life and baking. I doakan one day you have one less juggling to do and you know which one yg I mean ni.hehehe Shaun thinks so too, btw.

Ana Rashid said...

just love the way you potray your cupcake baby in all his shots! He is such an adorable model...

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