Friday 20 February 2009

Insaflah Yani....

I have been super busy this week, I am close to finalising this Contract, which instruction comes straight from kapala technology (CTO) as we need the equipment by middle of that means back to back document meeting for me from Monday until yesterday due to this document and other documents...

At the back of my mind the Goals for 2009 kept thing, the baca quran bit has almost come to a halt, but I have subtituted that with listening to IKIM in the morning and evening....of course how can one compare listening to ceramah and reminders about ugama with reading the Holy Book...pahala tak sama!

On IKIM, I have heard this song several I'd like to share with you, since to write at length is definitely a time challenge now...

Enjoy the song and lyrics, have a wonderful weekend...xox


MrsNordin said...

Haa... dah pandai pun post video!

Desert Rose said...


Lagu itu mg sesuatu kan....dia sentap lagi menyentapkan.

Anyway, bila ada niat tu maksudnya sudah ada satu langkah ke arah itu ...

So, marilah kita bersama-sama

'sepohon kayu daun nya rimbun....sambung

p/s : Baca blog akak ni rasa lagu nak dengaq lagu nasyid saja la ari nih. Ari jumaat plak tu. hari penuh keinsafan untuk ku uhuk

Kak Teh said...

KG, these days, my husband downloads zikirs and certain ayats in his ipod, and we both share the earphone to listen. kadang2 dok dalam bus dok dengar ipod. orang ingat dok dengar muzik kut. but i think it is quite effective as you can learn some doa's quite fast like that.

oh and abt masterchef - go to and go to bbc2 - the finals is this week but u can still watch the past series there. very good.

Naz in Norway said...

I love this song. It's from the movie *ayat ayat cinta*. Have you seen it?

Naz in Norway said...

Tumpang Yani...

Chut, kenapa menyimpang dari tajuk sebenornye nih?!!
Have a nice weekend, you two!

sue said...


Thanx for your visit to my humble abode

this is a nice and meaningful song..kalau lagu Indon semuanya dengar sedapkan..

I pun suka dengar IKIM..segment bahasa Arab tu..

Mama Huptihup said...

huk huk sebak rasa hati dgr lagu ni...:((((((

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